
Systems Theory
Ahvenainen Sakari

Allusi, E. A. 1970. Information an uncertainty: The Metric of Communications. TEoksessa DeGreene, K. (ed) Systems Psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Andersen, T. 1991. Basic ideas Behind the Reflecting Team. Symposium Abstracts. 3rd World Family Therapy Congress (2-6 June, 1991) Jyväskylä.
Andersen, T. 1987. The Reflecting Team: Dialogue and Meta Dialogue in Clinical Work. FAmily Process 26(4), 415-428.

Ashby, W. R: 1964. An Introduction to Cybernetics. London: Chapman & Hall Ltd. & University Paperbacks.

Basic Papers on Cybernetics and Systems Sience

Bertalanffy Ludwig von Bertalanffy: 1968. "General System Theory - Foundations, Development, Applications" (organisaatioteoriassa, ks. myös tämä )

von Bertalanffy Ludwig 1972. Introduction to systems philosophy : toward a new paradigm of contemporary thought / Ervin Laszlo ; with a foreword by Ludwig von Bertalanffy

von Bertalanffy Ludwig 1968. Organismic psychology and systems theory / Ludwig v. Bertalanffy 1967. Robots, men and minds : psychology in the modern world / Ludwig von Bertalanffy

von Bertalanffy Ludwig. 1967. Robots, men and minds : psychology in the modern world / Ludwig von Bertalanffy

von Bertalanffy, L. (1981). A Systems View of Man. In: AlaViolette, Paul eds. Boulder, Colo. : Westview Press , 1981

Selected Bibliography by Ludvig von Bertlanffy


Kritische Theorie der Formbildung, Berlin 1928 (Modern Theories of Development. An Introduction to Theoretical Biology, Oxford 1933, New York 1962).

Theoretische Biologie. 2 Bde., Berlin 1932, 1940

Das Gefüge des Lebens, Leipzig 1937

Vom Molekül zur Organismenwelt, Potsdam 1940

Das biologische Weltbild, Bern 1949 (Problems of Life, New York 1952, 1960).

Biophysik des Fliessgleichgewichts, Braunschweig 1953 (mit W. Beier und R. Laue, 2. stark erweiterte Auflage 1977).

Robots, Men and Minds, New York 1967

General System Theory. Foundations, Development, Applications, New York 1968

The Organismic Psychology and Systems Theory, Worcester 1968

Perspectives on General Systems Theory. Scientific-Philosophical Studies, E. Taschdjian (eds.), New York 1975

A Systems View of Men, P. A. LaViolette, Boulder 1981

1929a. Zum Problem der theoretischen Biologie, Kantstudien , 34:374--390

1929b. Vorschlag zweier sehr allgemeiner biologischer Gesetze, Biologisches Zentralblatt, 49:83--111.

1931. Tatsachen und Theorien der Formbildung als Weg zum Lebensproblem, Erkenntnis , 1:361-407.

1933. Physikalisch-chemische Theorie des Wachstums, Biologisches Zentralblatt, 53:639-645.

1934. Untersuchungen über die Gesetzlichkeit des Wachstums, Rouxs Archiv für Entwicklungs-Mechanik, 131:613-652.

1938. A quantitative theory of organic growth, Human Biology, 10:181-213.

1940. Der Organismus als physikalisches System betrachtet, Die Naturwissenschaften, 28:521-531.

1949a. Problems of organic growth, Nature, 163:156-158.

1949b. Zu einer allgemeinen Systemlehre, Biologia Generalis, 195:114-129.

1949c. The concepts of systems in physics and biology, Bulletin of the British Society for the History of Science, 1:44-45.

1950a. The theory of open systems in physics and biology, Science, 111:23-29

1950b. An outline of General Systems Theory, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1:139-164

1951. (with C. G. Hempel, R. E. Bass, and H. Jonas) General System Theory: A new approach to unity of science, Human Biology, 23:302-361

1955. An essay on the relativity of categories, Philosophy of Science, 225:243-263.

1960a. General System Theory and the behavorial sciences, in: Discussions on Child Development, vol. 4, J. M. Tanner and B. Inhelder (eds), pp. 155-175, London

1960b. Principles and theory of growth, in: Fundamental Aspects of Normal and Malignet Growth, W. W. Nowinski (ed), pp. 137-259, Amsterdam.

1962. General System Theory - A critical review, General Systems, 7:1-20

1964 a. Basic concepts in quantitative biology of metabolism, Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen, 9:5-37

1964 b. The world of science and the world of value, Teachers College Record, 65:244-255

1965. On the definition of symbol, in: Psychology and the Symbol, J. R. Royce (ed), pp. 26-72, New York

1966. Mind and body re-examined, Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 6:113-138.

1967. General Theory of Systems: Application to psychology, Social Science Information, 6:125-136

1969. Evolution. Chance or law, in: Beyond Reductionism, A. Koestler and J. R. Smithies (eds), pp. 59-84, London: Hutchinson

1971. Cultures as systems: Toward a critique of historical reason, Bucknell Review, XXII:151-161.

1972. The model of open systems: Beyond molecular biology, in: Biology, History and Natural Philosophy, A. D. Breck and W. Yourgrau (eds), pp. 17-30, New York

Laszlo Ervin

Laszlo, Ervin. 1973. Introduction to Systems Philosophy. London: Harper & Row. (Selkeä)

Chaos Theory etc.

Partanen Heikki

Systeemiälykäs opettaja....

Vienola, V. 1995. Systeemiteoriaan pohjautuva kaksivuotinen työnohjaajakoulutus –toimintatutkimuksellinen tapaustutkimus. Joensuun yliopisto. Kasvatustieteellisiä julkaisuja N:o 23. Joensuu: Joensuun yliopiston monistuskeskus.

Tietoteoria (wikipedia)

Wikipedia (Tiedon rajat ja Järjestelmä )
