Entrepreneurship Education Policy

Entrepreneurship Education Policy

Babson 1995

Babson 1994

Rebecca W. Ball and Matthew D. Shank 1995. Northern Kentucky University Understanding the educational needs of small business owners. The Entrepreneurial Executive, Fall Volume 1, Number 1, pp. 25-35.

Barbara Bird 1, Harold Welsch 2, Joseph H. Astrachan 3 and David Pistrui 4 2004.Family Business Research: The Evolution of an Academic Field. Family Business Review 15(4), 337 – 350.

Chavan, M. 2003. Education and training needs of the ethnic entrepreneur in Australia Industry and Higher Education, 17(3), 187-198(12)

Daniel Yar Hamidi, Karl Wennberg & Henrik Berglund. 2008. Creativity in entrepreneurship education. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 15(2), 304-320.


Gary Gorman, Dennis Hanlon & Wayne King. 1997. Some Research Perspectives on Entrepreneurship Education, Enterprise Education and Education for Small Business Management: A Ten-Year Literature Review. International Small Business Journal, 15(3), 56-77.

Ibrahim, A.B and Soufani, K. 2002. Entrepreneurship education and training in Canada: a critical assessment. Education + Training 44(8/9), 421-430.


ISBE institute for small business and entrepreneurship

Sarah L. Jack & Alistair R. Anderson. 1999. Entrepreneurship education within the enterprise culture Producing reflective practitioners. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research 5(3), 110-125.

Johannisson Bengt 1991. University training for entrepreneurship: Swedish approaches. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 3(1), 67 - 82

Journal of Entrepreneurial Education

Journal of Management and Organization

Katz, Jerome A.(1996). Academic Resources for Entrepreneurship Education Simulation & Gaming, Vol. 27, No. 3, 365-374

Katz, Jerome A. The chronology and intellectual trajectory of American entrepreneurship education
1876–1999. Journal of Business Venturing 18 (2003) 283–300.

Kuratko. D. F. (2003) Entrepreneurship Education: Emerging trends and challenges for the 21st century. (Link, PDF)

Kuratko Donald F. 2005. The Emergence of Entrepreneurship Education: Development, Trends, and Challenges. Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice 29(5), 577-598. Link for references.

SSRN Abstract Database Search Results for Entrepreneurship Research & Policy Network

George Solomon 2007. An examination of entrepreneurship education in the United States. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 14(2), 168-182.

Small Business and Entrepreneursihp Information Sources

Identifying Current Trends in Entrepreneurship Research: A New
(PDF) by David Watkins, Southampton Business School, UK & Diana Reader, Bath Spa UC, UK

Karl H. Vesper and William B. Gartner. 1997. Measuring progress in entrepreneurship education. Journal of Business Venturing, 12(5), 403-421.


Carl P. Zeithaml, George H. Rice Jr 1987. Entrepreneurship-Small Business Education in American Universities. Journal of Small Business Management, Vol. 25, (Amazon)
