Learning clusters

Martin Bell & Michael Albu. 1999. Knowledge Systems and Technological Dynamism in Industrial Clusters in Developing Countries. World Development
Volume 27, Issue 9, September 1999, Pages 1715-1734 (PDF)

Kwokleung Chan, Te-Won Lee, La Jolla, and Terrence J. Sejnowski.2003. Variational learning of clusters of undercomplete nonsymmetric independent components. The Journal of Machine Learning Research Volume 3 , (March 2003) Pages: 99 - 114. (PDF)

Philip Cooke & Gerd Schienstock 2000. Structural Competitiveness and Learning Regions Enterprise & Innovation Mgmt Std, Volume 1, Issue 3 September 2000 , pages 265 - 280 (Link)

Elisa Giuliania & Martin Bell. 2004. The micro-determinants of meso-level learning and innovation: evidence from a Chilean wine cluster. Research Policy
Volume 34, Issue 1, February 2005, Pages 47-68.

Robert Hassink. 2005. How to unlock regional economies from path dependency? From learning region to learning cluster. European Planning Studies, Volume 13, Issue 4 June 2005 , pages 521 - 535.

Gert–Jan Hospers & Sjoerd Beugelsdijk 2002. Regional Cluster Policies: Learning by Comparing? Kyklos, Volume 55 Issue 3, Pages 381 - 402 (PDF)

David Keeble & Frank Wilkinson 1999. Collective Learning and Knowledge Development in the Evolution of Regional Clusters of High Technology SMEs in Europe. Regional Studies, Volume 33, Issue 4 June 1999 , pages 295 - 303.

Kimoto, T. Asakawa, K. Yoda, M. Takeoka, M. 1990. Stock market prediction system with modular neural networks. PDF

Clive Lawson & Edward Lorenz. 1999. Collective Learning, Tacit Knowledge and Regional Innovative Capacity. Regional Studies, Volume 33, Issue 4 June 1999 , pages 305 - 317. (PDF)

Ron Martin and Peter Sunley 2003. Deconstructing clusters: chaotic concept or policy panacea? Journal of Economic Geography 3:5-35 (2003)(PDF)

Peter Maskel. 2001. Towards a Knowledge-based Theory of the Geographical Cluster.
Industrial and Corporate Change, Volume 10, Number 4, pp. 921-943. (Abstract)

Mario Davide Parrilli & Silvia Sacchetti. 2008. Linking learning with governance in networks and clusters: key issues for analysis and policy. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, Volume 20, Issue 4 July 2008 , pages 387 - 408. (PDF)

A case study of three European concentrations. Diss. University of Oulu.Faculty of Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management.Acta Univ. Oul. C 302, 2008. (PDF)
Keith Trigwell, Michael Prosser and Fiona Waterhouse. 2004.
Relations between teachers' approaches to teaching and students' approaches to learning. Higher Education, Volume 37, Number 1 / January, 1999.

Yvonne J. Vermetten, Vermuntb and Hans G. Lodewijks. 2002. Powerful learning environments? How university students differ in their response to instructional measures. Learning and Instruction Volume 12, Issue 3, June 2002, Pages 263-284.

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Learning Community Models
