Two faces of leadership - johtajuuden kahdet kasvot

Kuvat Margit Mannila

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The five broad dimensions of personality are:

1. (1) Extroversion (E). People high in extroversion are outgoing, gregarious, optimistic and sociable.
2. (2) Neuroticism (N). Highly neurotic individuals are prone to mood swings, have little emotional stability, and are anxious and prone to depression.
3. (3) Agreeableness (A). Highly agreeable people are easy to get on with, and may be widely liked.
4. (4) Conscientiousness (C). Conscientious individuals prefer to conform with rules and regulations, and are reliable and hard-working.
5. (5) Openness to experience (O). People who are highly open to experience tend to be liberal and approach problems in new and innovative ways.


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