Systemic ecology - system theory

 Kuvat Margit Mannila

Some links about organizational ecology and systemic ecology + system theory:

Atsushi Akera href="">home pages Constructing a Representation for an Ecology of Knowledge. Social Studies of Science, 37(3), 413-441 (2007) DOI: 10.1177/0306312706070742 © 2007 SAGE Publications (30.10.2017)

Bailey, K. < href=""> Barnett, W. P.(1990). Published Research Stanford University - Graduate School of Business.
Boone, Christophe (Academic Bibliography) & Witteloostuijn, Arjen van (1997?). A Game Theory of Organizational Ecology. A Model of Managerial Inertia and Market Selection. (See also) (30.10.2017).

Cherian George: The Life Cycle of Business is Studied through Organizational Ecology (See also: Barnett, W.P., Carroll, G.R. & Hannan, M.T- personal web pages (30.10.2017).

Chiara Certomà 2006. Ecology, environmentalism and system theory Kybernetes Volume 35 Number 6 2006 pp. 915-921 Copyright © Emerald Group Publishing Limited ISSN 0368-492X (30.10.2017).

McCubbin Michael and Cohen David (1999). A Systemic and Value-Based Approach to Strategic Reform of the Mental Health System. Health Care Analysis 7(1), 57-77. (!References) (30.10.2017).

Garson G. David Theory of Organizational Ecology (Just simply: Wonederful workmanlike!) Research Methodology Links Also: Topics in Multivariate Analysis by PhD Professor David Garson.

Hughes, James, J. PhD, Social Ecology and Evolutionism. (30.10.2017).

Leigh Star, Susan (see also) & Ruhleder, Karin. (1994). Steps Towards an Ecology of Infrastructure. Computer Supported Coopearative Work. 253-264. (30.10.2017).

Alessandro Lomi (1995). The Population and Community Ecology of Organizational Founding: Italian Co-operative Banks, 1936–1989 European Sociological Review 11(1):75-98.

MalhotraYogesh (1999). Knowledge Management for Organizational White-Waters: An Ecological Framework Knowledge Management, March, 18-21. (30.10.2017).

Malhotra, Yogesh. (1993). Role of Information Technology in Managing Organizational Change and Organizational Interdependence [WWW document]. URL

Maula Marjatta Organizations As Learning Systems. (30.10.2017).

Meadows, Donella. 1982. "Whole Earth Models and Systems," CoEvolution Quarterly (Summer) : 98-108> Organization Sience (30.10.2017).

Dien D. Phan, (2002). E-business success at Intel: an organization ecology and resource dependence perspective. Industrial Management & Data Systems 102(4), 211-217. Copyright © MCB UP Ltd ISSN 0263-5577 (30.10.2017).

Andrew P. Sage, "Toward Systems Ecology," Computer vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 107-110, Feb., 1998

Saarinen, Esa
. List of References Systeemiäly  Aalto University. Helsinki. Finland. (30.10.2017)

Dr. Paul Shrivastava Knowledge Ecology: Knowledge Ecosystems for Business Education and Training (30.10.2017).

J V Singh, and C J Lumsden (1990). Theory and Research in Organizational Ecology.Annual Review of Sociology Vol. 16: 161-195 (Volume publication date August 1990)
(doi:10.1146/ (30.10.2017).

Systems Thinker NewsLetter (!!!Systems Thinker October 2000) (30.10.2017).

Van de Ven, A
. (2005). Organizational Ecology and Evolution. See also >Van de Ven and Grazman (1999) Evolution in a Nested Hierarchy: A Genealogy of Twin-Cities Health Care Organizations, 1863-1995 in Baum & McKelvey (eds) Variations in Organization Science, Sage, pp. 185-212.
and a paper with Ricky Leung. (2009). Changing Organizational Designs and Performance Frontiers. (30.10.2017).

Wymer Walter
(Personal web-pages) Research area: non-profit organizations see also
