Family or Non family CEO/Ex

Non Family CEO in Family Firm

American Family Business Survey

Basly, S. (2007). The Internalization of family SME. An Organizational learning and knowledge development perspective. Baltic Journal of Management 2(2), 154-180.

Bennedsen, M., Nielsen, K. & Wolfenzon, D. (2001) The Family Behind the Family Firm: Evidence from CEO Transitions. Discussion Paper 2004-14. Centre for Economic and Business Research. (PDF)

Bowman-Upton, N. (1991). Transferring Management in the Family-Owned Business. Emerging Business Series.

Deed, D. M
. homepages and working papers

Board Composition: Balancing Family Influence in S&P 500 Firms DOWNLOAD
R. Anderson and D. Reeb

Anderson and Reeb – Family Firm Data DOWNLOAD

Founders, Heirs, and Corporate Opacity in the U.S. DOWNLOAD

R. Anderson, A. Duru, and D. Reeb

Board and Audit Committee Heterogenity DOWNLOAD

R. Anderson, D. Reeb, A. Upadhyay

Managerial Ownership and Behavior: The Impact on Corporate Creditors DOWNLOAD

R. Anderson, S. Mansi, and D. Reeb

Paying the CEO: A Model of Managerial Integrity Premiums DOWNLOAD

R. Anderson, R. Boylan, and D. Reeb

Colli Andrea, Fernández Pérez Paloma and Rose Mary B. (2003).National Determinants of Family Firm Development? Family Firms in Britain, Spain, and Italy in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Enterprise and Society 4:(1), 28-64.

Klaus Levinger & Harold L. Raush (1977): Close Relationships: Perspectives on the Meaning of Intimacy. University of Massachusetts Press.

Lansberg, I (2000) Great CEO, family tyrant?

Middleton Len (Family Business Course)

Morten Bennedsen (Copenhagen Business School)
Kasper Nielsen (University of Copenhagen)
Francisco Pérez-González (Columbia University)
Daniel Wolfenzon (New York University) Inside the Family Firm: The Role of Families in Succession Decisions and Performance (PDF of the paper)

Padgett, Carol and Mukherjee, Suranjita, "Return Differences Between Family and Non-Family Firms: Absolute and Index Differences" (May 15, 2006). Available at SSRN:
Reid, R. Cromie, S & Adams, J. (1998). Family Orientation in Family Firms: A model and some empirical evidence. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Volume 6, Number 1.

Radovilsky, Z.D., Gotcher, J.W. & Slattsveen, S. (1996). Implementing total quality management. Statistical analysis of survey results. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 13(1), 10-23.

Reid Renee, Dunn Barbara, Cromie Stan & Adams John Family Orientation In Family Firms : A Model And Some Empirical Evidence Saks Sags (

San Fernando Valley Business Journal

Transferring Management in the Family -Owned Business

Links with books

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Lea, James. "The Best Way to Teach Responsibility is to Delegate It." South Florida Business Journal. July 25, 1997.

Lea, James. Keeping it in the Family: Successful Succession of the Family Business. New York: Wiley, 1991.

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Nelton, Sharon. "Family Business: Major Shifts in Leadership Lie Ahead." Nation's Business. June 1997.

Rowland, Mary. "Putting Your Kids on the Payroll." Nation's Business. January 1996.

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Conflict in Family Business - A bibliography and even more
