Business location

 Photo Margit Mannila 2017

Business location is an important issue.

Location  (24.3.2017)

Business Facilities (24.3.2017)

Business Location II (24.3.2017) 

Choosing A Location for Your Business A topic list. (24.3.2017)

Choosing a Successful Location for your Business. Entrepreneur. (24.3.2017)

How to Find Best Location? Entrepreneur. (24.3.2017)

Answering these 22 questions for each of the sites you're considering can help you decide on the best retail location for your business:
  1. Is the facility located in an area zoned for your type of business?
  2. Is the facility large enough for your business? Does it offer room for all the retail, office, storage or workroom space you need?
  3. Does it meet your layout requirements?
  4. Does the building need any repairs?
  5. Do the existing utilities-lighting, heating and cooling-meet your needs or will you have to do any rewiring or plumbing work? Is ventilation adequate?
  6. Are the lease terms and rent favorable?
  7. Is the location convenient to where you live?
  8. Can you find a number of qualified employees in the area in which the facility is located?
  9. Do people you want for customers live nearby? Is the population density of the area sufficient for your sales needs?
  10. Is the trade area heavily dependent on seasonal business?
  11. If you choose a location that's relatively remote from your customer base, will you be able to afford the higher advertising expenses?
  12. Is the facility consistent with the image you'd like to maintain?
  13. Is the facility located in a safe neighborhood with a low crime rate?
  14. Is exterior lighting in the area adequate to attract evening shoppers and make them feel safe?
  15. Will crime insurance be prohibitively expensive?
  16. Are neighboring businesses likely to attract customers who will also patronize your business?
  17. Are there any competitors located close to the facility? If so, can you compete with them successfully?
  18. Is the facility easily accessible to your potential customers?
  19. Is parking space available and adequate?
  20. Is the area served by public transportation?
  21. Can suppliers make deliveries conveniently at this location?
  22. If your business expands in the future, will the facility be able to accommodate this growth?
Then, for tips on negotiating your lease, read "Lease Lessons"from our December 2004 issue of Entrepreneur magazine.

Karen E. Spaeder is a freelance business writer in Southern California.

My own business :Site Location Criteria "You can create your own "Site Model" to objectively evaluate locations for your business. Do this by assigning different values to the factors that are most important for your particular business. Then, each location can be evaluated against these measurements."  (24.3.2017)

Theories of Local Economic Development A google  book. (24.3.2017).


Mannila, Margit. (2009). Alonso - Modern Urban Location Theory. (24.3.2017).

Mannila, Margit. (2017). Energy Vaasa. Perheyrittäjyys. (24.3.2017).

Mannila, Margit. (2014). Paras paikka yrittää. Perheyrittäjyys. (24.3.2017).

Mannila, Margit. (2008). Von Thünen Model for the Use of Land. (24.3.2017)  Von Thünen Model is still on use. Von Thünen was born 1783 and died 1850.

Mannila, Margit. (2008). Von Thünen Model for the Use of Land II. (24.3.2017)

(Edit: 24.3.2017)
