Journal Ranking List for Business and Management

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Journal Ranking List for Business and Management

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Australian Business Deans Council - Journal Ratings List
Business and Management (Alpha)
Journal Name ISSN Discipline Area Final Recommended Ranking
4OR: Quarterly Journal of Operations Research 1619-4500 OPERATIONS MGT B
Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal 1528-2686 ENT-SMBUS C
Academy of Management Executive (now Perspectives) 0896-3789 GENERAL MGT A
Academy of Management Journal 0001-4273 GENERAL MGT A*
Academy of Management Learning and Education 1537-260X MAN DEV & ED A
Academy of Management Perspectives 1558-9080 GENERAL MGT A
Academy of Management Review 0363-7425 GENERAL MGT A*
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 1049-3301 OPERATIONS MGT B
Acta Mathematicae Applicandae Sinica 0168-9673 OPERATIONS MGT C
Administrative Science Quarterly 0001-8392 GENERAL MGT A*
Advances in Developing Human Resources 1523-4223 HRM/ER/IR C
Advancing Women in Leadership 1093-7099 GENERAL MGT C
American Business Review 0743-2348 GENERAL MGT A
Annals of Operations Research 0254-5330 OPERATIONS MGT A
Applied Psychology: An International Review 0269-994X ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH A
Asian Business & Management 1472-4782 INTERNATION BUS C
Asia-Pacific Business Review 1360-2381 INTERNATION BUS C
Asia-Pacific Journal of Human Resources (Formerly Personnel Management) 1038-4111 HRM/ER/IR C
Asia-Pacific Journal of Management 0217-4561 GENERAL MGT B
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 0217-5959 OPERATIONS MGT C
Asia-Pacific Management Review 1029-3132 GENERAL MGT C
Australian Bulletin of Labour 0311-6336 HRM/ER/IR C
Australian Journal of Management 0312-8962 GENERAL MGT B
Bangladesh Development Studies 0304-095X INTERNATION BUS C
Benchmarking for Quality and Technology 1351-3036 OPERATIONS MGT C
Benchmarking: An International Journal 1463-5771 OPERATIONS MGT C
British Journal of Industrial Relations 0007-1080 HRM/ER/IR A*
British Journal of Management 1045-3172 GENERAL MGT A
Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations 0770-3724 HRM/ER/IR C
Business and Professional Ethics 0277-2027 ETHICS-GOV C
Business and Society 0007-6503 ETHICS-GOV C
Business and Society Review 0045-3609 ETHICS-GOV C
Business Communication Quarterly 1080-5699 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH C
ABDC Journal List Business and Management (Alpha)
Page 1
Business Ethics Quarterly 1052-150X ETHICS-GOV A
Business Ethics: A European Review 0962-8770 ETHICS-GOV B
Business History 0007-6791 BUS HISTORY A
Business History Review 0007-6805 BUS HISTORY A
Business Horizons 0007-6813 GENERAL MGT C
Business Journal for Entrepreneurs (Quarterly) 1548-1859 ENT-SMBUS C
Business Perspectives 0896-3703 GENERAL MGT C
Business Process Re-engineering and Management Journal 1355-2503 OPERATIONS MGT C
Business Review Cambridge 1553-5827 GENERAL MGT C
Business Strategy and the Environment 0964-4733 STRATEGY B
Business Strategy Review 0955-6419 STRATEGY B
California Management Review 0008-1256 GENERAL MGT A*
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences 0825-0383 GENERAL MGT B
Career Development International 1362-0436 HRM/ER/IR C
Central European Journal of Operations Research (formerly Central European Journal
for Operations Research)
Citizenship Studies 1362-1025 ETHICS-GOV C
Computers and Industrial Engineering 0360-8352 OPERATIONS MGT B
Computers and Operations Research 0305-0548 OPERATIONS MGT A
Corporate Communications 1321-5827 GENERAL MGT C
Corporate Governance: An International Review 0964-8410 ETHICS-GOV A
Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society 1472-0701 ETHICS-GOV C
Corporate Management 1321-8743 GENERAL MGT C
Corporate Reputation Review 1363-3589 ETHICS-GOV C
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 1535-3958 ETHICS-GOV C
Creativity and Innovation Management 0963-1690 INNOVATION C
Critical Perspectives on International Business 1742-2043 INTERNATION BUS C
Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal 1352-7606 INTERNATION BUS C
Culture and Organization 1475-9551 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH C
Decision Analysis 1545-8490 OPERATIONS MGT C
Decision Sciences (Journal of) 0011-7315 OPERATIONS MGT A*
Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal 1477-7282 HRM/ER/IR C
Emergence: Complexity and Organization 1521-3250 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH B
Employee Relations: The International Journal 0142-5455 HRM/ER/IR B
Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal 0892-7545 HRM/ER/IR C
Employment Relations Record 1444-7053 HRM/ER/IR C
Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 BUS HIST A
Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies (ceased 2002) 1463-2446 ENT-SMBUS C
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 0898-5626 ENT-SMBUS C
Entrepreneurship Innovation and Change 1059-0137 ENT-SMBUS C
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Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice 1042-2587 ENT-SMBUS A*
Equal Opportunities International 0261-0159 HRM/ER/IR C
European Business Journal (The) 0955-808X GENERAL MGT C
European Business Review 0955-534X GENERAL MGT B
European Journal of Industrial Relations 0959-6801 HRM/ER/IR A
European Journal of Innovation Management 1460-1060 INNOVATION C
European Journal of International Management 1751-6765 INTERNATION BUS C
European Journal of Operational Research 0377-2217 OPERATIONS MGT A
European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 0969-7012 OPERATIONS MGT B
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 1359-432X ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH B
European Management Journal 0263-2373 GENERAL MGT C
European Management Review 1740-4754 GENERAL MGT C
European Quality 0969-059X OPERATIONS MGT C
Family Business Review 0894-4865 ENT-SMBUS A
Futures 0016-3287 INNOVATION B
Gender, Work and Organization 0968-6673 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH A
Global Business Review 0972-1509 INTERNATION BUS C
Global Competitiveness 1059-5422 INTERNATION BUS C
Global Governance 1075-2846 ETHICS-GOV B
Greener Management International 0966-9671 GENERAL MGT C
Group & Organization Management 1059-6011 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH A
Group Decision and Negotiation Journal 0926-2644 OPERATIONS MGT B
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research and Practice 1089-2699 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH B
Harvard Business Review 0017-8012 GENERAL MGT A*
Historical Studies in Industrial Relations 1362-1572 BUS HISTORY C
HR Focus 1059-6038 HRM/ER/IR C
HR Magazine 1047-3149 HRM/ER/IR C
Human Performance 0895-9285 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH A
Human Relations 0018-7267 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH A
Human Resource Development International 1367-8868 HRM/ER/IR B
Human Resource Development Quarterly 1044-8004 HRM/ER/IR B
Human Resource Development Review 1534-4843 HRM/ER/IR B
Human Resource Management (US) 0090-4848 HRM/ER/IR A*
Human Resource Management Journal (UK) 0954-5395 HRM/ER/IR A
Human Resource Management Review 1053-4822 HRM/ER/IR B
Human Systems Management 0167-2533 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH C
Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 1461-5517 OPERATIONS MGT C
Indian Journal of Gender Studies 0971-5215 GENERAL MGT C
Indian Journal of Industrial Relations 0019-5286 HRM/ER/IR C
Industrial and Labour Relations Review 0019-7939 HRM/ER/IR A
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Industrial and Corporate Change 0960-6491 STRATEGY A
Industrial Relations Journal 0019-8692 HRM/ER/IR B
Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 0019-8676 HRM/ER/IR A*
Industry and Higher Education 0950-4222 MAN DEV & ED C
Industry and Innovation 1366-2716 INNOVATION C
Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice 1447-9228 INNOVATION C
Integrated Manufacturing Systems 0957-6061 OPERATIONS MGT B
Interfaces 0092-2102 OPERATIONS MGT B
International Business & Economics Research Journal 1535-0754 GENERAL MGT C
International Business Review 0969-5931 INTERNATION BUS B
International Employment Relations Review 1324-1125 HRM/ER/IR C
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 1554-7191 ENT-SMBUS C
International Journal of Agile Management Systems 1741-9174 OPERATIONS MGT C
International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research 0972-7302 GENERAL MGT C
International Journal of Applied Management and Technology 1360-0796 OPERATIONS MGT C
International Journal of Applied Quality Management 1742-2647 OPERATIONS MGT C
International Journal of Asian Management 1618-7504 INTERNATION BUS C
International Journal of Business 1083-4346 GENERAL MGT C
International Journal of Business and Strategy can't find ISSN STRAT C
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 1751-0252 INNOVATION C
International Journal of Business Performance Management 1368-4892 OPERATIONS MGT C
International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management 1741-8763 OPERATIONS MGT C
International Journal of Business Studies 1320-7156 GENERAL MGT C
International Journal of Commerce and Management 1056-9219 GENERAL MGT C
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 0951-192X OPERATIONS MGT B
International Journal of Conflict Management 1044-4068 GENERAL MGT B
International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management 1470-5958 INTERNATION BUS B
International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining 1548-3924 OPERATIONS MGT B
International Journal of Employment Studies 1039-6993 HRM/ER/IR C
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research 1355-2554 ENT-SMBUS B
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 1465-7503 ENT-SMBUS C
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 1368-275X ENT-SMBUS C
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 1476-1297 ENT-SMBUS C
International Journal of Entrepreneurship Education 1649-2269 ENT-SMBUS C
International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems 0920-6299 OPERATIONS MGT C
International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy 1740-2816 INNOVATION C
International Journal of General Systems
0308-1079 (print); 1563-
5104 (online)
International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business 1479-3059 ENT-SMBUS C
International Journal of Human Resource Development and Management 1465-6612 HRM/ER/IR C
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International Journal of Human Resource Management 0958-5192 HRM/ER/IR A
International Journal of Innovation and Learning 1471-8197 INNOVATION C
International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management 0219-8770 INNOVATION C
International Journal of Innovation Management 1363-9196 INNOVATION B
International Journal of Integrated Supply Management 1477-5360 OPERATIONS MGT C
International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management 1447-9524 GENERAL MGT C
International Journal of Learning and Change 1740-2875 GENERAL MGT C
International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital 1479-4853 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH C
International Journal of Logistics Management 0957-4093 OPERATIONS MGT B
International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications 1367-5567 OPERATIONS MGT B
International Journal of Management 0813-0183 GENERAL MGT C
International Journal of Management and Decision Making 1462-4621 GENERAL MGT C
International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development 1468-4330 GENERAL MGT C
International Journal of Management Education, (The) 1472-8117 MAN DEV & ED C
International Journal of Management Practice 1447-9064 GENERAL MGT C
International Journal of Management Reviews 1460-8545 GENERAL MGT C
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 1753-8378 GENERAL MGT C
International Journal of Manpower 0143-7720 HRM/ER/IR B
International Journal of Manufacturing System Design 0218-3382 OPERATIONS MGT C
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 1368-2148 OPERATIONS MGT C
International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations 1470-9503 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH C
International Journal of Operational Research 1745-7645 OPERATIONS MGT C
International Journal of Operations & Quantitative Management 1082-1910 OPERATIONS MGT C
International Journal of Operations and Production Management 0144-3577 OPERATIONS MGT A
International Journal of Organization Behaviour 1440-5377 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH C
International Journal of Organizational Analysis (ceased publication in 2002) 1055-3185 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH C
International Journal of Organizational Theory and Behavior 1093-4537 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH C
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 0960-0035 OPERATIONS MGT C
International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking 1460-6189 OPERATIONS MGT C
International Journal of Production Economics (formerly Journal of Manufacturing and 0925-5273 OPERATIONS MGT A
International Journal of Production Research 0020-7543 OPERATIONS MGT A
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 1741-0401 OPERATIONS MGT C
International Journal of Project Management 0263-7863 OPERATIONS MGT B
International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management 1055-6001 OPERATIONS MGT B
International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management 0263-671X OPERATIONS MGT B
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 0965-075X HRM/ER/IR A
International Journal of Service Industry Management 0959-4233 OPERATIONS MGT B
International Journal of Services and Operations Management 1744-2370 OPERATIONS MGT C
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International Journal of Services Technology and Management 1460-6180 OPERATIONS MGT C
International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling 1740-2123 OPERATIONS MGT C
International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage 1479-2494 OPERATIONS MGT C
International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship 1746-5370 ENT-SMBUS C
International Journal of Technology and Globalization 1476-5667 OPERATIONS MGT C
International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning 1740-2832 OPERATIONS MGT C
International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development 1474-2748 OPERATIONS MGT C
International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation 1470-6075 INNOVATION C
International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management 1468-4322 OPERATIONS MGT C
International Journal of Training and Development 1360-3736 HRM/ER/IR C
International Journal of Value-Based Management (merged into Journal of Business
0895-8815 ETHICS-GOV A
International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion 1740-8938 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH C
International Labor and Working Class History (USA) 0417-5479 HRM/ER/IR C
International Labour Review 0020-7780 HRM/ER/IR B
International Review of Industrial & Organisational Psychology 0886-1528 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH C
International Review of Women and Leadership 1323-1685 GENERAL MGT C
International Small Business Journal 0266-2426 ENT-SMBUS B
International Studies of Management and Organization 0020-8825 GENERAL MGT B
International Transactions in Operational Research 0969-6016 OPERATIONS MGT B
Irish Journal of Management 1649-248X GENERAL MGT C
Journal for Quality and Participation 1040-9602 OPERATIONS MGT C
Journal of African Business 1522-8916 INTERNATION BUS C
Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge 1540-1200 GENERAL MGT C
Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 0021-8863 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH B
Journal of Applied Business Research 0892-7626 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH C
Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship 1077-1158 ENT-SMBUS C
Journal of Applied Psychology 0021-9010 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH A*
Journal of Asia Business Studies 1558-7894 INTERNATION BUS C
Journal of Asian Business 1068-0055 INTERNATION BUS C
Journal of Asia-Pacific Business 1059-9231 INTERNATION BUS C
Journal of Business and Economics Research 1542-4448 GENERAL MGT C
Journal of Business and Management 1535-668X GENERAL MGT C
Journal of Business and Psychology 0889-3268 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH B
Journal of Business and Public Affairs 1522-8398 GENERAL MGT C
Journal of Business and Technical Communication 1050-6519 GENERAL MGT C
Journal of Business Communication 0021-9436 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH C
Journal of Business Ethics 0167-4544 ETHICS-GOV A
Journal of Business Logistics 0735-3766 OPERATIONS MGT B
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Journal of Business Strategy 0275-6668 STRATEGY B
Journal of Business Venturing 0883-9026 ENT-SMBUS A*
Journal of Change Management 1467-7017 GENERAL MGT C
Journal of Collective Negotiations in the Public Sector 0047-2301 HRM/ER/IR C
Journal of Comparative International Management 1481-0468 INTERNATION BUS C
Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government 1323-6903 GENERAL MGT C
Journal of Corporate Citizenship 1470-5001 ETHICS-GOV C
Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship 1084-9467 ENT-SMBUS C
Journal of East European Management Studies 0949-6181 INTERNATION BUS C
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 0923-4748 OPERATIONS MGT B
Journal of Enterprising Culture 0218-4958 ENT-SMBUS C
Journal of Entrepreneurship 0971-3557 ENT-SMBUS C
Journal of European Business Education 0968-0543 MAN DEV & ED C
Journal of European Industrial Training 0309-0590 HRM/ER/IR C
Journal of General Management 0306-3070 GENERAL MGT B
Journal of Global Business 1053-7287 INTERNATION BUS C
Journal of High Technology Management Research 1047-8310 OPERATIONS MGT C
Journal of Industrial History 1463-6174 BUS HISTORY C
Journal of Industrial Relations 0022-1856 HRM/ER/IR A
Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences 0252-2667 OPERATIONS MGT B
Journal of Institutional Research 1443-2110 GENERAL MGT C
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 0956-5515 OPERATIONS MGT B
Journal of International Business and Economics 1544-8037 INTERNATION BUS C
Journal of International Business Strategy 1552-2903 INTERNATION BUS C
Journal of International Business Studies 0047-2506 INTERNATION BUS A*
Journal of International Management 1075-4253 INTERNATION BUS B
Journal of Internet Business 1832-1151 GENERAL MGT C
Journal of Labour Research 0195-3613 HRM/ER/IR B
Journal of Management 0149-2063 GENERAL MGT A*
Journal of Management and Governance 1385-3457 ETHICS-GOV C
Journal of Management and Organization (formerly called Journal of the Australian and
New Zealand Academy of Management)
1833-3672 GENERAL MGT B
Journal of Management Development 0262-1711 HRM/ER/IR C
Journal of Management Education 1052-5629 MAN DEV & ED B
Journal of Management History 1355-252X BUS HISTORY B
Journal of Management Inquiry 1056-4926 GENERAL MGT B
Journal of Management Studies 0022-2380 GENERAL MGT A*
Journal of Managerial Issues 1045-3695 GENERAL MGT C
Journal of Manufacturing and Operations Management 0890-2577 OPERATIONS MGT C
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 0278-6125 OPERATIONS MGT B
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Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 1741-038X OPERATIONS MGT B
Journal of Modelling in Management 1746-5664 OPERATIONS MGT C
Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis 1057-9214 OPERATIONS MGT B
Journal of New Business Ideas and Trends Not Supplied GENERAL MGT C
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 0963-1798 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH A
Journal of Occupational Health and Safety – Australia and New Zealand 0815-6409 HRM/ER/IR B
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 1076-8998 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH A
Journal of Operations Management 0272-6963 OPERATIONS MGT A*
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 0022-3239 OPERATIONS MGT A
Journal of Organisational Transformation & Social Change 1477-9633 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH C
Journal of Organizational Behavior 0894-3796 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH A*
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management 0160-8061 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH B
Journal of Organizational Change Management 0953-4814 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH B
Journal of Product Innovation Management 0737-6782 INNOVATION A*
Journal of Product Innovation Research INNOVATION B
Journal of Quality Management 1084-8568 OPERATIONS MGT C
Journal of Quality Technology 0022-4065 OPERATIONS MGT A
Journal of Scheduling 1094-6136 OPERATIONS MGT A
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 1462-6004 ENT-SMBUS C
Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship 0827-6331 ENT-SMBUS C
Journal of Small Business Management 0047-2778 ENT-SMBUS A
Journal of Small Business Strategy 1081-8510 ENT-SMBUS C
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 0022-4634 INTERNATION BUS C
Journal of Supply Chain Management (formerly Journal of Purchasing and Materials 1523-2409 OPERATIONS MGT B
Journal of Teaching in International Business 0897-5930 MAN DEV & ED C
Journal of Technology Transfer 0892-9912 OPERATIONS MGT C
Journal of the Operational Research Society 0160-5682 OPERATIONS MGT A
Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 0453-4514 OPERATIONS MGT B
Journal of Transnational Management 1547-5778 INTERNATION BUS C
Journal of Value-Based Management can't find ISSN OPERATIONS MGT C
Journal of Vocational Behavior 0001-8791 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH A*
Journal of Workplace Learning: Employee Counselling Today 1366-5626 MAN DEV & EDU C
Journal of World Business 1090-9516 INTERNATION BUS A
Knowledge and Process Management 1092-4604 OPERATIONS MGT C
Labor History 0023-656X BUS HISTORY A
Labor Studies Journal 0160-449X HRM/ER/IR B
Labour and Industry 1030-1763 HRM/ER/IR B
Labour History (Australia) 0023-6942 BUS HISTORY A
Labour History Review 0961-5652 BUS HISTORY C
ABDC Journal List Business and Management (Alpha) Page 8
Labour/Le Travail (Canada) 0700-3862 HRM/ER/IR B
Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations 1121-7081 HRM/ER/IR C
Leadership 1742-7150 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH C
Leadership and Organization Development Journal 0143-7739 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH B
Leadership Quarterly (The) 1048-9843 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH A*
Learning Organization (The) 0969-6474 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH C
Long Range Planning 0024-6301 STRATEGY A
Management 1331-0194 GENERAL MGT C
Management & Organizational History 1744-9359 BUS HISTORY C
Management Communication Quarterly 0893-3189 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH B
Management Decision 0025-1747 GENERAL MGT C
Management Development Review 0962-2519 GENERAL MGT C
Management International Review 0938-8249 GENERAL MGT A
Management Learning 1350-5076 MAN DEV & ED A
Management Quarterly 0025-1860 GENERAL MGT C
Management Research News 0140-9174 GENERAL MGT C
Management Review 0025-1895 GENERAL MGT C
Management Science 0025-1909 OPERATIONS MGT A*
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 1523-4614 OPERATIONS MGT B
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 1432-2994 OPERATIONS MGT B
Mathematical Programming 0025-5610 OPERATIONS MGT A
Mathematics of Operations
Measuring Business Excellence 1368-3047 OPERATIONS MGT C
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 1387-5841 OPERATIONS MGT B
MIT Sloan Management Review 1532-9194 GENERAL MGT A
Monash Business Review 1832-8490 GENERAL MGT C
Mt Eliza Business Review 1444-2558 GENERAL MGT C
Multinational Business Review 1525-383X INTERNATION BUS C
Naval Research Logistics 0894-069X OPERATIONS MGT B
Negotiation Journal 0748-4526 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH B
New Business Ideas and Trends can't find ISSN GENERAL MGT C
New England Journal of Entrepreneurship 1550-333X ENT-SMBUS C
New Technology Work and Employment 0268-1072 HRM/ER/IR A
New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations (formerly Industrial) 1176-4716 HRM/ER/IR C
New Zealand Journal of Industrial Relations Not Supplied HRM/ER/IR C
Nonprofit Management & Leadership 1048-6682 GENERAL MGT B
OMEGA - International Journal of Management Science 0305-0483 OPERATIONS MGT A
Operations Research 0030-364X OPERATIONS MGT A*
Operations Research Letters 0167-6377 OPERATIONS MGT A
ABDC Journal List Business and Management (Alpha) Page 9
Optimal Control Applications and Methods 0143-2087 OPERATIONS MGT B
Optimization 0233-1934 OPERATIONS MGT B
OR Insight 0953-5543 OPERATIONS MGT C
OR Spectrum 0171-6468 OPERATIONS MGT B
Organization 1350-5084 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH A
Organization and Environment 1086-0266 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH B
Organization Development Journal 0889-6402 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH B
Organization Management Journal 1541-6518 GENERAL MGT C
Organization Science 1047-7039 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH A*
Organization Studies 0170-8406 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH A*
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 0749-5978 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH A*
Organizational Dynamics 0090-2616 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH A
Organizational Research Methods 1094-4281 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH A
People Management 1358-6297 HRM/ER/IR C
Personnel Psychology: A Journal of Applied Research 0031-5826 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH A*
Personnel Review 0048-3486 HRM/ER/IR B
Perspectives on Work 1534-9276 HRM/ER/IR C
Philosophy of Management 1473-589X GENERAL MGT C
Problems and Perspectives in Management 1727-7051 GENERAL MGT C
Production and Inventory Management Journal 0897-8336 OPERATIONS MGT B
Production and Operations Management 1059-1478 OPERATIONS MGT B
Production Planning and Control 0953-7287 OPERATIONS MGT B
Project Management Journal 8756-9728 OPERATIONS MGT B
Public Management Review 1471-9037 GENERAL MGT B
Public Manager 1061-7639 GENERAL MGT C
Public Personnel Management 0091-0260 HRM/ER/IR C
Publishing Research Quarterly 1053-8801 OPERATIONS MGT C
Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management 1746-5648 ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH C
Quality Management Journal 1068-6967 OPERATIONS MGT B
Quarterly Journal of Labor Policy 1598-270X HRM/ER/IR C
Queueing Systems 0257-0130 OPERATIONS MGT B
R & D Management 0033-6807 INNOVATION B
Relations Industrielles / Canada 0034-379X HRM/ER/IR A
Reliability Engineering and Systems Safety 0951-8320 OPERATIONS MGT A
Research and Practice in Human Resource Management 0218-5180 HRM/ER/IR C
Research in Technology Management (formerly Research Management) 0895-6308 INNOVATION A
Review of International Organizations 1559-7431 INTERNATION BUS C
Review of Public Personnel Administration 0734-371X HRM/ER/IR C
Risk Management: An International Journal 1460-3799 OPERATIONS MGT C
SAM Advanced Management Journal 0036-0805 GENERAL MGT C
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Scandinavian Journal of Management 0956-5221 GENERAL MGT C
Science Communication (formerly Knowledge) 1075-5470 INNOVATION A
Selection and Development Review 0963-2638 HRM/ER/IR C
SIAM Journal of Control & Optimization 0363- 0129 OPERATIONS MGT A
SIAM Journal on Optimization
(Society for Industrial and Applied
Singapore Management Review 0129-5977 GENERAL MGT C
Small Business Economics 0921-898X ENT-SMBUS A
Small Enterprise Research: The Journal of SEAANZ 1321-5906 ENT-SMBUS C
South African Journal of Business Management 0378-9098 GENERAL MGT C
South Asian Journal of Management 0971-5428 GENERAL MGT C
Southern Business Review 0884-1373 GENERAL MGT C
Soviet Studies 0038-5859 INTERNATION BUS C
Strategic Change (formerly Journal of Strategic Change) 1086-1718 STRATEGY C
Strategic Direction 0258-0543 STRATEGY C
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 1932-4391 ENT-SMBUS C
Strategic Management Journal 0143-2095 STRATEGY A*
Strategic Organization 1476-1270 STRATEGY A
Strategy and Leadership 1087-8572 STRATEGY C
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 1359-8546 OPERATIONS MGT A
Systemic Practice and Action Research 1094-429X ORG STUD/OB/ I-O PSYCH B
Systems Dynamics Review 0883-7066 OPERATIONS MGT A
Team Performance Management 1352-7592 HRM/ER/IR C
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 0040-1625 OPERATIONS MGT A
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 0953-7325 INNOVATION B
Technology Management – Strategies and Applications 1073-4457 OPERATIONS MGT C
Technometrics 0040-1706 OPERATIONS MGT A
Technovation 0166-4972 INNOVATION B
The Journal of Business 0021-9398 GENERAL MGT A*
The Journal of Futures Studies 1027-6084 STRATEGY C
Thunderbird International Business Review 1096-4762 INTERNATION BUS B
Total Quality Management 0954-4127 OPERATIONS MGT C
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence 1478-3371 OPERATIONS MGT C
TQM Magazine 0954-478X OPERATIONS MGT C
Training and Management Development Methods 0951-3507 HRM/ER/IR C
Transnational Corporations 1014-9562 INTERNATION BUS B
Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance 1369-1066 ENT-SMBUS B
Women in Management Review 2067-4602 GENERAL MGT C
Work and Occupations 0730-8884 HRM/ER/IR A
ABDC Journal List Business and Management (Alpha) Page 11
Work, Employment and Society 0950-0170 HRM/ER/IR A
World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development 1756-0573 ENT-SMBUS C
ABDC Rankings
424 Journals
A* = 28 (6.60%)
A = 68 (16.04%)
B = 97 (22.88%)
C = 231 (54.48%)
ABDC Journal List Business and Management (Alpha) Page 12
