Ahuja, G. & Lampert, C.M. 2001. “Entrepreneurship in the Large Corporations: A Longitudinal Study of How Established Firms Create Breakthrough Inventions.” Strategic Management Journal (special issue) 22(6): 521-544.
Amit, R., Brander, J., & Zott, C. 1988. “Why Do Venture Capital Firms Exist? Theory and Canadian Experience.” Journal of Business Venturing (June): 441-466.
Antoncic, B. & Hisrich, R.D. 2001. “Intrapreneurship: Construct Refinement and Cross-Cultural Validation.” Journal of Business Venturing 16(5): 495-527.
Bangs, D.N. 1995. The Planning Guide, 7th ed. (Chicago: Upstart Publishing).
Block, Z. & Stumpf, S.A. 1992. “Entrepreneurship Education Research: Experience and
Challenge,” In D. L. Sexton and J.D. Kasarda, (Eds.) The State of the Art of
Entrepreneurship, pp. 17-45. Boston, MA: PWS-Kent Publishing.
Bull, I. & Willard, G.E. 1993. “Towards a Theory of Entrepreneurship.” Journal of Business Venturing, May, (8): 183-196.
Bygrave, W.D. & Hofer, C.W. 1991. “Theorizing about Entrepreneurship.” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Winter: 12-22.
Chaganti, R. & Greene, P.G. 2002. “Who Are Ethnic Entrepreneurs? A Study of Entrepreneurs’ Ethnic Involvement and Business Characteristics.” Journal of Small Business Management 40(2): 126-143.
Chamberlin, J. 1963. The Enterprising Americans: A Business History of the United States (New York: Harper & Row).
Chrisman, J.J., Chua, J.H. & Sharma, P. 2003. “Current Trends and Future Directions in Family Business Management Studies: Toward a Theory of the Family Firm.” Coleman White Paper Series, www.usasbe.org.
Charney, A. and Libecap, G.D. 2000. “Impact of Entrepreneurship Education,” Insights: A Kauffman Research Series (Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership).
Clark, B.W., Davis, C.H., and Harnish, V.C. 1984. “Do Courses in Entrepreneurship Aid in New Venture Creation?” Journal of Business Management, 2(26): 26-31.
Dauten, D. 1986. Taking Chances: Lessons in Putting Passion and Creativity into Your Work Life (New York: Newmarket Press).
Dennis, W.J., Jr. 2000. Small Business Policy Guide (Washington, D.C.: NFIB Foundation), 12-13.
Fried, V.H., Burton, G.D., & Hisrich, R.D. 1988. “Strategy and the Board of Directors in Venture Capital-Backed Firms.” Journal of Business Venturing (June): 493-504.Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 1981-2003.(Wellesley, MA: Babson College, series of volumes).
Gartner, W.B. & Vesper, K.H. 1994. “Executive Forum: Experiments in Entrepreneurship
Education: Successes and Failures.” Journal of Business Venturing, 9: 179-187.
Gartner, W.B. 2001. “Is There an Elephant in Entrepreneurship? Blind Assumptions in Theory Development.” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 25(4): 27-39.
Gates, B. 1999. Business at the Speed of Thought (New York: Time Warner).
Gorman, G., Hanlon, D., & King, W. 1997. “Some Research Perspectives on Entrepreneurship Education, Enterprise Education, and Education for Small Business Management: A Ten Year Literature Review.” International Small Business Journal, April/June: 56-77.
Greene, P.G., Hart, M.M., Gatewood, E.J., Brush, C.G., & Carter, N.M. 2003. “Women
Entrepreneurs: Moving Front and Center: An Overview of Research and Theory.”
Coleman White Paper Series, www.usasbe.org.
Gundry, L.K. & Welsch, H.P. 2001. “The Ambitious Entrepreneur: High Growth Strategies of Women-Owned Enterprises.” Journal of Business Venturing 16(5): 453-470.
Hills, G.E. 1988. “Variations in University Entrepreneurship Education: An Empirical Study of anEvolving Field.” Journal of Business Venturing, 3: 109-122.
Hitt, M.A., Ireland, R.D., Camp, S.M., & Sexton, D.L. 2001. “Strategic Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial Strategies for Wealth Creation.” Strategic Management Journal (specialissue): 22(6): 479-492.
Hornaday, J.A. 1982. “Research about Living Entrepreneurs.” Encyclopedia of
Entrepreneurship, ed. Calvin Kent, Donald Sexton, and Karl Vesper (Englewood Cliffs,
NJ: Prentice Hall): 21-22.
Ireland, R.D. & Hitt, M.A. 1999. “Achieving and Maintaining Strategic Competitiveness in the Twenty-First Century: The Role of Strategic Leadership.” Academy of Management Executive (January): 43-57.
Katz, J.A. 2003. “The Chronology and Intellectual Trajectory of American Entrepreneurship Education.” Journal of Business Venturing 18(2): 283-300.
Kent, C.A. 1990. “Entrepreneurship Education at the Collegiate Level: A Synopsis and
Evaluation.” In C.A. Kent (Ed.) Entrepreneurship Education, pp. 111-122. New York:
Quorum Books.
Kickul, J. & Gundry, L.K. 2002. “Prospecting for Strategic Advantage: The Proactive
Entrepreneurial Personality and Small Firm Innovation.” Journal of Small Business
Management 40(2): 85-97.
Klatt, L.A. 1988. A Study of Small Business/Entrepreneurial Education in Colleges and
Universities.” The Journal of Private Enterprise, 4(Fall): 103-108.
Kuratko, D.F. 1996. “Risk, Challenge & Innovation: The Entrepreneurial Experience at Ball State University.” Mid-American Journal of Business, 11(2): 43-48.
Kuratko, D.F. & Hornsby, J.S. 1996. “Developing Entrepreneurial Leadership in Contemporary Organizations.” Journal of Management Systems 17-27.
Kuratko, D.F., Ireland, R.D., & Hornsby, J.S. 2001. “Improving Firm Performance Through Entrepreneurial Actions: Acordia’s Corporate Entrepreneurship Strategy.” Academy of Management Executive 15(4): 60-71.
Kuratko, D.F. & Hodgetts, R.M. 2004. Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, Practice (Mason,OH; South-Western Publishers).
Kuratko, D.F. & Welsch H.P. 2004. Strategic Entrepreneurial Growth 2nd ed.(Mason, OH:
McDougall, P.P. & Oviatt, B.M. 2003. “Some Fundamental Issues in International
Entrepreneurship.” Coleman White Paper Series, www.usasbe.org.
McGrath, R.G., MacMillan, I.C., & Scheinbert, S. 1992. “Elitist, Risk Takers and Rugged Individualists? An Exploratory Analysis of Cultural Differences between Entrepreneurs and Non-entrepreneurs.” Journal of Business Venturing 115-136.
McMullan, W.E. & Long, W.A. 1987. “Entrepreneurship Education in the Nineties.” Journal of
Business Venturing, 2: 261-275.
Meyer, G.D. 2001. “Major Unresolved Issues and Opportunities in Entrepreneurship Education.” Coleman White Paper (USASBE National Conference, February 2001).
Mitchell, R.K. & Chesteen, S.A. 1995. “Enhancing Entrepreneurial Expertise: Experiential Pedagogy and the New Venture Expert Script.” Simulation and Gaming, 26(3): 288-306.
Morris, M.H. & Kuratko, D.F. 2002. Corporate Entrepreneurship. Mason, OH: South-Western College Publishers.
Peng, M.W. 2001. “How Entrepreneurs Create Wealth in Transition Economies.” Academy of Management Executive 15(1): 95-110.
Plaschka, G.R. & Welsch, H.P. 1990. “Emerging Structures in Entrepreneurship Education:
Curricula Designs and Strategies.” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 14(3): 55-71.
Reynolds, P.D., Hay, M. & Camp, S.M., 1999. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (Kauffman
Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership).
Reynolds, P.D., Camp, S.M., Bygrave, W.D., Autio, E., & Hay, M. 2001. Global
Entrepreneurship Monitor (Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership).
Robinson, P. & Hayes, M. 1991. “Entrepreneurship Education in America’s Major Universities.” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 15(3): 41-52.
Ronstadt, R. 1987. “The Educated Entrepreneurs: A New Era of Entrepreneurial Education is Beginning.” American Journal of Small Business, 11(4): 37-53.
Ronstadt, R. 1990. “The Educated Entrepreneurs: A New Era of Entrepreneurial Education is Beginning.” In C.A. Kent (Ed.) Entrepreneurship Education, pp. 69-88, New York: Quorum Books.
Scott, M.G. & Twomey, D.F. 1998. “The Long Term Supply of Entrepreneurs: Student’s Career Aspirations in Relation to Entrepreneurship.” Journal of Small Business Management, 26(4): 5-13.
Sexton, D.L. & Upton, N.E. 1984. “Entrepreneurship Education: Suggestions for Increasing Effectiveness.” Journal of Small Business Management, 22(4): 18-25.
Sexton, D.L. & Upton, N.E. 1987. “Evaluation of an Innovative Approach to Teaching
Entrepreneurship.” Journal of Small Business Management, 25(1): 35-43.
Shepherd, D.A. & Zacharakis, A. 2001. “Speed to Initial Public Offering of VC-Backed
Companies.” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 25(3): 59-69.
Shepherd, D.A. & Zacharakis, A. 2002. “Venture Capitalists’ Expertise: A Call for Research into Decision Aids and Cognitive Feedback.” Journal of Business Venturing 17(1): 1-20.
Small Business Administration. 1998. “The New American Revolution: The Role and Impact of Small Firms” (Washington, D.C., U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Economic Research.)
Sobel R. 1974. The Entrepreneurs: Explorations within the American Business Tradition (New York: Weybright and Talley,).
Solomon, G.T. 1988. “Small Business Management and Entrepreneurial Education in America: A National Survey Overview.” Journal of Private Enterprise, November: 109-118.
Solomon, G.T. & Fernald, L.W., Jr. 1991. “Trends in Small Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Education in the United States.” Entrepreneurship Theory and
Practice, 15: 25-39.
Solomon, G.T., Weaver, K.M, & Fernald, L.W., Jr. 1994. “Pedagogical Methods of Teaching Entrepreneurship: An Historical Perspective.” Gaming and Simulation, 25(3): 338-253.
Solomon, G.T., Duffy, S., & Tarabishy, A. 2002. “The State of Entrepreneurship Education in the United States: A Nationwide Survey and Analysis.” International Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 1(1): 65-86.
Stevenson, H.H. 2000. “Why Entrepreneurship Has Won!” Coleman White Paper (USASBE
National Conference, February 2000).
Stewart, W.H., Watson, W.E., Carland, J.C., & Carland, J.W. 1999. “A Productivity for
Entrepreneurship: A Comparison of Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners and
Corporate Managers.” Journal of Business Venturing (February): 189-214.
Stolze, W.J. 1992. Startup: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Launching and Managing a New
Venture (Hawthorne, NJ: Career Press).
Tan, J. 2001. “Innovation and Risk-Taking in a Transitional Economy: A Comparative Study of Chinese Managers and Entrepreneurs.” Journal of Business Venturing 16(4): 359-376.
The Classroom of the Future, Newsweek, pp. 60-68, October 22, 2001.
Timmons, J.A. 2002. New Venture Creation, 6th ed. (Homewood, IL: Irwin).
Torrence, R.W. 1992. In the Owner’s Chair (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall).
Tulgan, B. 1999. “Generation X: The Future is Now.” Entrepreneur of the Year Magazine, Fall:42.
Upton, N., Teal, E.J., & Felan, J.T. 2001. “Strategic and Business Planning Practices of Fast-Growing Family Firms.” Journal of Small Business Management 39(4): 60-72.
Van Clouse, G.H. 1990. “A Controlled Experiment Relating Entrepreneurial Education to
Student’s Start-Up Decisions.” Journal of Small Business Management, 28(2): 45-53.
Vesper, K.H. 1986. “New Developments in Entrepreneurship Education.” In D.L. Sexton & R.W. Smilor (Eds.), The Art and Science of Entrepreneurship, pp. 379-387. Cambridge, MA:Ballinger.
Vesper, K.H. and McMullan, W.E. 1988. “Entrepreneurship: Today Courses, Tomorrow
Degrees?” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 13(1): 7-13.
Vesper, K.H. & Gartner, W.B. 1997. “Measuring Progress in Entrepreneurship Education.” Journal of Business Venturing May: 403-421.
Vesper, K.H. 1999. “Unfinished Business (Entrepreneurship) of the 20th Century” Coleman White Paper (USASBE National Conference, January 1999).
Vesper, K.H. & Gartner, W.B. 1999. University Entrepreneurship Programs (Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, University of Southern California).
Wawro, T. 2000. Radicals and Visionaries: The True Life Stories Behind the Entrepreneurs Revolutionized the 20th Century (Irvine, CA: Entrepreneur Media).
Westhead, P., Wright, M., & Ucbasaran, D. 2001. “The Internationalization of New and Small Firms: A Resource-Based View.” Journal of Business Venturing 16(4): 333-358.
Zahra, S.A., Kuratko, D.F., & Jennings, D.F. 1999. “Corporate Entrepreneurship and Wealth Creation: Contemporary and Emerging Perspectives.” Entrepreneurship Theory and
Practice 24(2): 5-9.
Zahra, S.A., Hayton, J., Marcel, J., & O’Neill, H. 2001. “Fostering Entrepreneurship During International Expansion: Managing Key Challenges.” European Management Journal
19(4): 359-369.
Zeithaml, C.P. & Rice, G.H. 1987. “Entrepreneurship/Small Business Education in American Universities.” Journal of Small Business Management, 25(1): 44-50.
Amit, R., Brander, J., & Zott, C. 1988. “Why Do Venture Capital Firms Exist? Theory and Canadian Experience.” Journal of Business Venturing (June): 441-466.
Antoncic, B. & Hisrich, R.D. 2001. “Intrapreneurship: Construct Refinement and Cross-Cultural Validation.” Journal of Business Venturing 16(5): 495-527.
Bangs, D.N. 1995. The Planning Guide, 7th ed. (Chicago: Upstart Publishing).
Block, Z. & Stumpf, S.A. 1992. “Entrepreneurship Education Research: Experience and
Challenge,” In D. L. Sexton and J.D. Kasarda, (Eds.) The State of the Art of
Entrepreneurship, pp. 17-45. Boston, MA: PWS-Kent Publishing.
Bull, I. & Willard, G.E. 1993. “Towards a Theory of Entrepreneurship.” Journal of Business Venturing, May, (8): 183-196.
Bygrave, W.D. & Hofer, C.W. 1991. “Theorizing about Entrepreneurship.” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Winter: 12-22.
Chaganti, R. & Greene, P.G. 2002. “Who Are Ethnic Entrepreneurs? A Study of Entrepreneurs’ Ethnic Involvement and Business Characteristics.” Journal of Small Business Management 40(2): 126-143.
Chamberlin, J. 1963. The Enterprising Americans: A Business History of the United States (New York: Harper & Row).
Chrisman, J.J., Chua, J.H. & Sharma, P. 2003. “Current Trends and Future Directions in Family Business Management Studies: Toward a Theory of the Family Firm.” Coleman White Paper Series, www.usasbe.org.
Charney, A. and Libecap, G.D. 2000. “Impact of Entrepreneurship Education,” Insights: A Kauffman Research Series (Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership).
Clark, B.W., Davis, C.H., and Harnish, V.C. 1984. “Do Courses in Entrepreneurship Aid in New Venture Creation?” Journal of Business Management, 2(26): 26-31.
Dauten, D. 1986. Taking Chances: Lessons in Putting Passion and Creativity into Your Work Life (New York: Newmarket Press).
Dennis, W.J., Jr. 2000. Small Business Policy Guide (Washington, D.C.: NFIB Foundation), 12-13.
Fried, V.H., Burton, G.D., & Hisrich, R.D. 1988. “Strategy and the Board of Directors in Venture Capital-Backed Firms.” Journal of Business Venturing (June): 493-504.Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 1981-2003.(Wellesley, MA: Babson College, series of volumes).
Gartner, W.B. & Vesper, K.H. 1994. “Executive Forum: Experiments in Entrepreneurship
Education: Successes and Failures.” Journal of Business Venturing, 9: 179-187.
Gartner, W.B. 2001. “Is There an Elephant in Entrepreneurship? Blind Assumptions in Theory Development.” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 25(4): 27-39.
Gates, B. 1999. Business at the Speed of Thought (New York: Time Warner).
Gorman, G., Hanlon, D., & King, W. 1997. “Some Research Perspectives on Entrepreneurship Education, Enterprise Education, and Education for Small Business Management: A Ten Year Literature Review.” International Small Business Journal, April/June: 56-77.
Greene, P.G., Hart, M.M., Gatewood, E.J., Brush, C.G., & Carter, N.M. 2003. “Women
Entrepreneurs: Moving Front and Center: An Overview of Research and Theory.”
Coleman White Paper Series, www.usasbe.org.
Gundry, L.K. & Welsch, H.P. 2001. “The Ambitious Entrepreneur: High Growth Strategies of Women-Owned Enterprises.” Journal of Business Venturing 16(5): 453-470.
Hills, G.E. 1988. “Variations in University Entrepreneurship Education: An Empirical Study of anEvolving Field.” Journal of Business Venturing, 3: 109-122.
Hitt, M.A., Ireland, R.D., Camp, S.M., & Sexton, D.L. 2001. “Strategic Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial Strategies for Wealth Creation.” Strategic Management Journal (specialissue): 22(6): 479-492.
Hornaday, J.A. 1982. “Research about Living Entrepreneurs.” Encyclopedia of
Entrepreneurship, ed. Calvin Kent, Donald Sexton, and Karl Vesper (Englewood Cliffs,
NJ: Prentice Hall): 21-22.
Ireland, R.D. & Hitt, M.A. 1999. “Achieving and Maintaining Strategic Competitiveness in the Twenty-First Century: The Role of Strategic Leadership.” Academy of Management Executive (January): 43-57.
Katz, J.A. 2003. “The Chronology and Intellectual Trajectory of American Entrepreneurship Education.” Journal of Business Venturing 18(2): 283-300.
Kent, C.A. 1990. “Entrepreneurship Education at the Collegiate Level: A Synopsis and
Evaluation.” In C.A. Kent (Ed.) Entrepreneurship Education, pp. 111-122. New York:
Quorum Books.
Kickul, J. & Gundry, L.K. 2002. “Prospecting for Strategic Advantage: The Proactive
Entrepreneurial Personality and Small Firm Innovation.” Journal of Small Business
Management 40(2): 85-97.
Klatt, L.A. 1988. A Study of Small Business/Entrepreneurial Education in Colleges and
Universities.” The Journal of Private Enterprise, 4(Fall): 103-108.
Kuratko, D.F. 1996. “Risk, Challenge & Innovation: The Entrepreneurial Experience at Ball State University.” Mid-American Journal of Business, 11(2): 43-48.
Kuratko, D.F. & Hornsby, J.S. 1996. “Developing Entrepreneurial Leadership in Contemporary Organizations.” Journal of Management Systems 17-27.
Kuratko, D.F., Ireland, R.D., & Hornsby, J.S. 2001. “Improving Firm Performance Through Entrepreneurial Actions: Acordia’s Corporate Entrepreneurship Strategy.” Academy of Management Executive 15(4): 60-71.
Kuratko, D.F. & Hodgetts, R.M. 2004. Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, Practice (Mason,OH; South-Western Publishers).
Kuratko, D.F. & Welsch H.P. 2004. Strategic Entrepreneurial Growth 2nd ed.(Mason, OH:
McDougall, P.P. & Oviatt, B.M. 2003. “Some Fundamental Issues in International
Entrepreneurship.” Coleman White Paper Series, www.usasbe.org.
McGrath, R.G., MacMillan, I.C., & Scheinbert, S. 1992. “Elitist, Risk Takers and Rugged Individualists? An Exploratory Analysis of Cultural Differences between Entrepreneurs and Non-entrepreneurs.” Journal of Business Venturing 115-136.
McMullan, W.E. & Long, W.A. 1987. “Entrepreneurship Education in the Nineties.” Journal of
Business Venturing, 2: 261-275.
Meyer, G.D. 2001. “Major Unresolved Issues and Opportunities in Entrepreneurship Education.” Coleman White Paper (USASBE National Conference, February 2001).
Mitchell, R.K. & Chesteen, S.A. 1995. “Enhancing Entrepreneurial Expertise: Experiential Pedagogy and the New Venture Expert Script.” Simulation and Gaming, 26(3): 288-306.
Morris, M.H. & Kuratko, D.F. 2002. Corporate Entrepreneurship. Mason, OH: South-Western College Publishers.
Peng, M.W. 2001. “How Entrepreneurs Create Wealth in Transition Economies.” Academy of Management Executive 15(1): 95-110.
Plaschka, G.R. & Welsch, H.P. 1990. “Emerging Structures in Entrepreneurship Education:
Curricula Designs and Strategies.” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 14(3): 55-71.
Reynolds, P.D., Hay, M. & Camp, S.M., 1999. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (Kauffman
Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership).
Reynolds, P.D., Camp, S.M., Bygrave, W.D., Autio, E., & Hay, M. 2001. Global
Entrepreneurship Monitor (Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership).
Robinson, P. & Hayes, M. 1991. “Entrepreneurship Education in America’s Major Universities.” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 15(3): 41-52.
Ronstadt, R. 1987. “The Educated Entrepreneurs: A New Era of Entrepreneurial Education is Beginning.” American Journal of Small Business, 11(4): 37-53.
Ronstadt, R. 1990. “The Educated Entrepreneurs: A New Era of Entrepreneurial Education is Beginning.” In C.A. Kent (Ed.) Entrepreneurship Education, pp. 69-88, New York: Quorum Books.
Scott, M.G. & Twomey, D.F. 1998. “The Long Term Supply of Entrepreneurs: Student’s Career Aspirations in Relation to Entrepreneurship.” Journal of Small Business Management, 26(4): 5-13.
Sexton, D.L. & Upton, N.E. 1984. “Entrepreneurship Education: Suggestions for Increasing Effectiveness.” Journal of Small Business Management, 22(4): 18-25.
Sexton, D.L. & Upton, N.E. 1987. “Evaluation of an Innovative Approach to Teaching
Entrepreneurship.” Journal of Small Business Management, 25(1): 35-43.
Shepherd, D.A. & Zacharakis, A. 2001. “Speed to Initial Public Offering of VC-Backed
Companies.” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 25(3): 59-69.
Shepherd, D.A. & Zacharakis, A. 2002. “Venture Capitalists’ Expertise: A Call for Research into Decision Aids and Cognitive Feedback.” Journal of Business Venturing 17(1): 1-20.
Small Business Administration. 1998. “The New American Revolution: The Role and Impact of Small Firms” (Washington, D.C., U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Economic Research.)
Sobel R. 1974. The Entrepreneurs: Explorations within the American Business Tradition (New York: Weybright and Talley,).
Solomon, G.T. 1988. “Small Business Management and Entrepreneurial Education in America: A National Survey Overview.” Journal of Private Enterprise, November: 109-118.
Solomon, G.T. & Fernald, L.W., Jr. 1991. “Trends in Small Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Education in the United States.” Entrepreneurship Theory and
Practice, 15: 25-39.
Solomon, G.T., Weaver, K.M, & Fernald, L.W., Jr. 1994. “Pedagogical Methods of Teaching Entrepreneurship: An Historical Perspective.” Gaming and Simulation, 25(3): 338-253.
Solomon, G.T., Duffy, S., & Tarabishy, A. 2002. “The State of Entrepreneurship Education in the United States: A Nationwide Survey and Analysis.” International Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 1(1): 65-86.
Stevenson, H.H. 2000. “Why Entrepreneurship Has Won!” Coleman White Paper (USASBE
National Conference, February 2000).
Stewart, W.H., Watson, W.E., Carland, J.C., & Carland, J.W. 1999. “A Productivity for
Entrepreneurship: A Comparison of Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners and
Corporate Managers.” Journal of Business Venturing (February): 189-214.
Stolze, W.J. 1992. Startup: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Launching and Managing a New
Venture (Hawthorne, NJ: Career Press).
Tan, J. 2001. “Innovation and Risk-Taking in a Transitional Economy: A Comparative Study of Chinese Managers and Entrepreneurs.” Journal of Business Venturing 16(4): 359-376.
The Classroom of the Future, Newsweek, pp. 60-68, October 22, 2001.
Timmons, J.A. 2002. New Venture Creation, 6th ed. (Homewood, IL: Irwin).
Torrence, R.W. 1992. In the Owner’s Chair (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall).
Tulgan, B. 1999. “Generation X: The Future is Now.” Entrepreneur of the Year Magazine, Fall:42.
Upton, N., Teal, E.J., & Felan, J.T. 2001. “Strategic and Business Planning Practices of Fast-Growing Family Firms.” Journal of Small Business Management 39(4): 60-72.
Van Clouse, G.H. 1990. “A Controlled Experiment Relating Entrepreneurial Education to
Student’s Start-Up Decisions.” Journal of Small Business Management, 28(2): 45-53.
Vesper, K.H. 1986. “New Developments in Entrepreneurship Education.” In D.L. Sexton & R.W. Smilor (Eds.), The Art and Science of Entrepreneurship, pp. 379-387. Cambridge, MA:Ballinger.
Vesper, K.H. and McMullan, W.E. 1988. “Entrepreneurship: Today Courses, Tomorrow
Degrees?” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 13(1): 7-13.
Vesper, K.H. & Gartner, W.B. 1997. “Measuring Progress in Entrepreneurship Education.” Journal of Business Venturing May: 403-421.
Vesper, K.H. 1999. “Unfinished Business (Entrepreneurship) of the 20th Century” Coleman White Paper (USASBE National Conference, January 1999).
Vesper, K.H. & Gartner, W.B. 1999. University Entrepreneurship Programs (Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, University of Southern California).
Wawro, T. 2000. Radicals and Visionaries: The True Life Stories Behind the Entrepreneurs Revolutionized the 20th Century (Irvine, CA: Entrepreneur Media).
Westhead, P., Wright, M., & Ucbasaran, D. 2001. “The Internationalization of New and Small Firms: A Resource-Based View.” Journal of Business Venturing 16(4): 333-358.
Zahra, S.A., Kuratko, D.F., & Jennings, D.F. 1999. “Corporate Entrepreneurship and Wealth Creation: Contemporary and Emerging Perspectives.” Entrepreneurship Theory and
Practice 24(2): 5-9.
Zahra, S.A., Hayton, J., Marcel, J., & O’Neill, H. 2001. “Fostering Entrepreneurship During International Expansion: Managing Key Challenges.” European Management Journal
19(4): 359-369.
Zeithaml, C.P. & Rice, G.H. 1987. “Entrepreneurship/Small Business Education in American Universities.” Journal of Small Business Management, 25(1): 44-50.