Social media and learning Sosiaalinen media ja opetus

5 Reasons You Should Learn About Social Media

5 Social media tools for language learning

30 Valuable Lessons Learned Using Social Media for Small Business

5 Social Media Lessons Learned From Whole Foods

Does Social Media Impair Learning?

Can we Learn from Social Media?

Authors: Christine Redecker, Kirsti Ala-Mutka and Yves Punie. Learning 2.0 - The Impact of Social Media on Learning in Europe.POLICY BRIEF.



How Social Media Support Learning in Practice, Thesis M Kloos, 2006

Instructional Design — Social Learning and Social Media

The NEW Workplace Learning Professional - new role, new skills?

Language Learning & Social Media

Learning Social Media Marketing

Living and Learning with Social Media  boyd, danah. 2009. "Living and Learning with Social Media." Penn State Symposium for Teaching and Learning with Technology. State College, PA: April 18.

Presenting Value of Social Media for Learning

Sosiaalinen media ja ikäihmiset (Helsingin työväenopiston blogi)

Sosiaalinen media oppimisen tukena

Social Media Tactics Still Learning to Play Well With Others

Social media

'Fair trade' solution to learning a new language BBC


Using Social Media Tools To Improve Workplace Learning

Using social media in learning

