Lähde PK-riskienhallinta Nelikenttäanalyysi, SWOT.
Nelikenttälanalyysi. SWOT. (9.10.2019).
See more at: http://www.bizstrategies.biz/swot-analysis.html
SWOT -analysis is a great simple tool.
Kuvan lähde Laadukas SWOT-työkalu PK-yrityksen innovaatiovetoisen tulevaisuuden menestyksen turvaamiseksi (Meristö, ym., 2007, s. 14).
PESTE-analyysi Tiedonkeruun menetelmä, jonka avulla selvitetään toimintaympäristön muutosvoimia ja
haasteita monialaisesti kartoittamalla poliittiset (P), taloudelliset (E), sosiaaliset (S),
teknologiset (T) ja ympäristöön (E) liittyvät tekijät.
Meristö, ym. (2017, s. 8)
Tarja Meristö, Riitta Molarius, Sami Leppimäki, Jukka Laitinen, Hanna Tuohimaa
Laadukas SWOT-Työkalu pk-yritysten innovaatiovetoisen tulevaisuuden menestyksen turvaamiseksi. Löytyy esimerkiksi ResearchGaten kautta. ResearchGatesta löydät tutkimuksia.
Meristö, ym. (2017, s. 15).
Meristö, ym. (2017, s. 17).
Strengths and weaknesses are considered internal factors. This means that they are affected by happenings, visions and procedures inside the company (or business).
Strengths: those characteristics which give advantages, also compared to business competitors. The analysis has to highlight internal strengths, such as where the industry excels compared to other industries, and how it is maximizing its resources and products.
Weaknesses: those characteristics have to be considered as disadvantages for the business compared to its competitors. Improvements need to be made but for small business even being aware of these obscure points could be important enough.
Opportunities and threats are considered to be external factors. This means that these elements don’t come from the business, they are dependent on the environment. On the other hand they may greatly affect the objective achievement in a positive or negative way so they need to be analyzed in order to try to have control over them.
Opportunities: positive external chances to improve the business and achieve a better result. The opportunities component should list how the business could grow or expand to foreseeing how to act in the near, medium and far future.
Threats: aspects which may have a negative influence and create trouble for the achievement of the expected results. Outside forces could affect the business, less demand in the market, new legislations and economy inflection. (Source: http://www.onextrapixel.com/2011/02/07/use-swot-analysis-for-your-next-design-project/)
The result of the analysis is a matrix of positive and negative factors for management to address:
Positive factors
Negative factors
Internal factors
External factors
The key words are match and convert:
Source: http://tutor2u.net/business/strategy/SWOT_analysis.htm
SWOT-analysis lesson
PEST- Analysis
Strategic Management
Template for SWOT-analysis
Pekka Hyysalo. (5.2.2021).
Ulla Kulju. (5.2.2021).
Sana PESTEL muodostuu sanoista
- poliittinen
- ekonominen (taloudellinen)
- sosiaalinen
- teknologinen
- ekologinen (ympäristötekijät)
- laillinen
Lähde Soikkeli, J. Tiedätkö mikä on PESTEL-analyysi? (27.3.2023).
4.10.2024 20 min/30min
27.3.2023 10 min