Becoming an entrepreneur - an excellent idea is needed

Kuva Margit Mannila

Lets say that entrepreneurship  is turning a bright idea into a successful business. First we have naturally ask for: What is an entrepreneur and entrepreneurship? We can define that an entrepreneur is someone who:
  • can identify a niche in the market – an entrepreneur can spot business opportunities that will fill gaps in the market
  • can identify key people to help achieve goals – nobody is an expert in everything!
  • takes risks – even if you have carefully researched the market, there's always a chance that customers may reject your product or service
  • shows drive and initiative – if you are launching a business you need determination and energy to overcome any obstacles

Social Influence: The Power of the Group in Affecting Your Behavior and Actions (15.2.2016)

Business Ideas are needed! Business Idea Center offer many new ideas.



Seth Godin writes by title  I don't have any good ideas. Many people are  dreaming of to become as an entrepreneur. But they can't to get started. Why? People are usually thinking that entrepreneurs are visionary.  And because they don't have a good idea they can't to get started.   

On Forbes was a title: The Best Entrepreneurs Don't Come Up With Great Ideas, They Solve Market Needs.
 Starting a Business: the idea phase is the title on entrepreneur

E.Weisenbach Keller writes Lack creativity? Short on good ideas? Become an Entrepreneur
How Entrepreneurs come up with great ideas is a good question. Remember that you can find out new entrepreneurial ideas.

Why good ideas don't end up being good?  
How to get start-up ideas

Too often people argue that they don't have enough money to get started. But they forget that business is a tool to make money. (Mannila 2013.)

Read more on HBR:

Entrepreneurship: Business idea and good strategy 
Stop killing your ideas. (Video)

How to recognize and act on your best business ideas 

  Michael Wade and Mark Arnason (2011) CRACKING THE UNWRITTEN CODE ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Are great entrepreneurs born or built?

5 easy entrepreneurial ideas for non-entrepreneurs

10 simple product ideas that made billions!

17 Great business ideas for  2013 

100 brilliant ideas 2010

New Entrepreneur ideas

Getting started as an Entrepreneur/ Opportunity/The Idea Factory

Freelance writer Chad Brooks (2015) writes that although there are no specific traits all entrepreneurs share, there are certain characteristics that most successful entrepreneurs possess, according to the University of Illinois Center for Economic and Financial Education:
  • Ability to plan: Entrepreneurs must be able to develop business plans to meet goals in a variety of areas, including finance, marketing, production, sales and personnel.
  • Communication skills: Entrepreneurs should be able to explain, discuss, sell and market their goods or services.
  • Marketing skills: Good marketing skills, which result in people wanting to buy goods or services, are critical to entrepreneurial success.
  • Interpersonal skills: The ability to establish and maintain positive relationships with customers and clients, employees, financial lenders, investors, lawyers and accountants, among others, is crucial to the success of the entrepreneur's business venture.
  • Basic management skills: Even if entrepreneurs hire others to deal with the day-to-day tasks of the business, entrepreneurs need to know whether their company has the correct resources.
  • Leadership skills: The ability to develop a vision for the company and to inspire employees to pursue it is imperative for success. (Brooks 2015)

Tony Martin explains what is difference between business ideas vs. business opportunities.   Business Ideas vs. Business Opportunities: What is the Difference.

On the blog called Noahpinion is a post called Does the "Entrepreneurship subculture" prevent big ideas?
Amy Neumann 15 uplifting sites focused on positive stories and ideas for good

Well... last but not least it seems to be that passion for work what do you do is the most important issue in general. 


Bushi, Ruth.  50 business ideas to start at university. (11.2.2016).

Business. (11.2.2016). 

Business News Daily. (11.2.2016).

Brooks, Chad. (2015). What is entrepreneurship? . Business News Daily. (11.2.2016).

Entrepreneur.  () Need a business idea. Here is  55. (11.2.2016).

Entrepreneur. Starting a business. Idea Phase. (11.2.2016).  

Good, Jennifer. (2015). 50 Self-Employed Business Ideas You Can Start for Under $100. (11.2.2016).

Hamm, Trent. (2015). 50 Small Businesses You Can Start on Your Own. (11.2.2016).

  (2016). 19 best new business ideas for 2016. Busienss News Daily. (11.2.2016).

24 great small business ideas  for 2016. Business News Daily. (11.2.2016).

How to come up with good ideas. Mark Rober. Youtube. (11.2.2016).

Killing good ideas can harm your future. Youtube. (11.2.2016)

Mannila, Margit. (2013). I don't have enough money - Never give up . (11.2.2016). 

Martin, Tony. Business Ideas vs. Business Opportunities: What is the Difference. Entrepreneurship training. (11.2.2016).

Rober Mark. Youtube. (11.2.2016).

Robinson, Ryan. (2016). 101 Best Side Business Ideas to Start While Working Full-Time. (11.2.2016). 

Shubber, Kadhim. (2013). Mark Rober left Nasa to make awesome wearable tech Halloween costumes. Wierd U.K. (11.2.2016).

(Edit: 11.2.2016.)


Anonymous said…
Some of the must have traits or skills required in an entrepreneur includes; Innovation
Hard working
Critical thinking
Making good decisions
Communication and social skills
Problem solving
Ability to work under pressure
To become a successful entrepreneur these are the basic skills which you need to inculcate among you. There are also some of the other inspiring stories of young Indian entrepreneurs like Varun Manian who have made it big in the industries like real estate through their strong determination and hard work.
MarMa said…
Yes all these you listed are needed, but also commitment and obligation are needed, maybe these are related hard working. Like Martina Navratilova has said: "The difference between involvement and commitment is like ham and eggs. The chicken is involved; the pig is committed." That describes very well entrepreneurship also.