I'm human: I'm afraid of failing

Sourve: http://academy.justjobs.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/mgt67.png

“Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.” 
– Denis Waitley

I'm human: I'm afraid of failing. This is a title of a one chapter from a book called  Effectual entrepreneurship (2011, 61-70) The authors write also: "The key to learning from failures, of course, is to keep them small and kill them young."  On the same chapter there is a good example about succession. The title of story is Right and wrong. (p. 64):
"- Sir, what is the secret of your success?, a reporter asked a successful businessman.
- Two words.
- And what are they, sir?
- Right decisions.
- And how do you make right decisions?
- One word.
- And what is that, sir?
- Experience.
- And how do you get experience?
- Two words.
- And what are they, sir?
- Wrong decisions."

A very interesting point, true or not.

 Source: http://hanoifarmer.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/picture11.png 

Only half of new businesses survive the first five years. Move forward another five years, and two out of every three businesses have failed.

Why Entrepreneurs Fail. 18 Business Winners Explain Their  Biggest Fails. (30.3.2017).

(Edit 30.3.2017.)

(Edit 30.3.2017.)
