What make you an entrepreneur?

Kuva Margit Mannila

Attitudes to entrepreneurship
· 31% of non-entrepreneurs of working age said they personally knew someone who had
started a business.
· 27% of the non-entrepreneurial working age perceived that there were good opportunities
in the next 6 months. 47% of non-entrepreneurs felt that they had the skills, knowledge
and experience to start a business.
· Fear of failure (36%) among those who perceived opportunities in the UK.
· 52% felt that starting a business was a good career choice
· 76% felt that business founders have a high level of status.
· 51% stated that you will often see stories in the media about people starting successfulnew businesses. (GEM 2010) (Melonie 2014)

Melonie (2014) analyzes the entrepreneurial mindset definition: it is, according her, one of which never ever gives up. And it is not all about winning. She highlight that the in fact your biggest secret source is persistence, although winning plays a big part in our success, it is a smaller that you think.

Melonie's (2014) paper Marc Benioff writes: I'll paraphrase my takeaways as effectively as I can:
* Happiness equals meeting life expectations
* Life expectations are defined by your personal life (happiness) blueprint
* As long as progress/learning is being made toward your life blueprint, you get growth. Growth is what delivers long lasting happiness not the achievement of an objective
* If you are unhappy or unsatisfied with your life, you have 3 choices:
1. Blame others/resources/what you don’t have - negative
2. Change your life conditions - positive
3. Change your blueprint - harder to do but possible and necessary sometimes
* People consider suicide when they believe they will never achieve their life blueprint because they believe living is worse than dying. The key is to change that perception which requires changing the blueprint and changing the perception that living is worse than dying.

* In order to change your life conditions (positive), 3 decisions you must make:
1. What will you focus on?
2. What does it mean to you?
3. What should you go do now?
* Not meeting your blueprint or not having life success is actually a good thing for it builds "Hunger to Change" your life conditions and creates desire

* Most people know what they need to change so it isn't the decision that takes time. It is the time they take to actually make the decision.

* Crisis creates wisdom and hunger to do what you need to do faster. If you want to get to the island faster, burn the boats so you have no choice but to swim there

* Once you've decided to change your life conditions, there is a methodology you can employ
that you control:
1.) Develop your strategy (What do you need to do?- I, myself,  think that this is really important!)
2.) Write your story and share as appropriate (Why you are doing what you are doing?)
3.) Change your state (action/behavior): Your body is a gift and it must be in vibration (this is deeper to explain but we control our energy and the emotional energy we give other human beings (think dancing, singing, laughing like a baby, feeling alive, change your purpose of interaction to all you love/care about). It is impossible to feel negative when you are in a positive emotional state.

Melonie, Karen (2014). Happy Entrepreneur Mindset: Hems Club. E-Leader Milan. (PDF) (15.11.2016).
