Who are your competitors?



Photo Margit Mannila

Direct, indirect and replacement competition.

Important questions are:

Source from this link. (29.3.2023).


Competitive Analysis: How To Conduct A Comprehensive Competitive Analysis

Source  Pono (2018, i.a).


DSM Digital school of Marketing - competitors


Competitive Analysis Canvas

Source Competitive analysis canvas. (29.3.2023)


Business Competition: Definition and Types. Indeed Editorial Team. https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/business-competition (29.3.2023).

Competitive analysis canvas https://thecanvasrevolution.com/product/competitive-analysis-canvas  (29.3.2023).

How to identify competitors to your business? Digital school of marketing. https://digitalschoolofmarketing.co.za/sales-blog/how-do-you-identify-competitors-to-your-business/ (29.3.2023).


Invest Northen Ireleand. Understand your competitors. (29.3.2023). 

Pono, M. (2018). Competitive Analysis: How to conduct a comprehensive competitive analysis. https://www.mykpono.com/how-to-conduct-competitive-analysis/. (29.3.2023).

Understand your competitors. Info Entrepreneurs. (29.3.2023). 

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29.3.2023  160 min
