How to do a Pearson's Product Moment Correlational Analysis (Research Method Lab) + (links)
Chi-Square Test
Contingency table
(see also this)
Contigency tables
Chi Square test in Excel using the QI Macros
Chi-Square Test (
KvantiMOTV (in Finnish)
The Chi-Square Test (A very good page!: Mainiot sivut. Perusteellinen opastus.)
SPSS -pikaohjeita (in Finnish)
Validity and Reliability Compared
So what is the relationship between validity and reliability? The two do not necessarily go hand-in-hand.
It is possible to have a measure that has high reliability but low validity - one that is consistent in getting bad information or consistent in missing the mark. *It is also possible to have one that has low reliability and low validity - inconsistent and not on target.
Finally, it is not possible to have a measure that has low reliability and high validity - you can't really get at what you want or what you're interested in if your measure fluctuates wildly.Two-Way Tables and the Chi-Square Test
P-value calculator
Statistics Calculator
Vassar Stats (calculator)
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CrossRef PubMed
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