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Ambrose, D.M. (1983) Transfer of the family-owned business, Journal of Small Business
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Page 7 of 28
Arnault may be mulling Van Cleef and Arpels buy (1994), Women's Wear Daily (May 4), p. 13.
Barach, J.A., Gantisky, J., Carson, J.A., and Doochin, B.A. (1988) Entry of the next generation:
Strategic challenge for family business, Journal of Small Business Management, 26, No. 2 (April),
Barach, J.A. (1984) Is there a cure for the paralyzed family board? Sloan Management Review,
26, No. 1 (Fall), 3-12.
Barnes, L.B. & Hershon, S.A. (1985) Transferring power in the family business, Harvard
Business Review, 54, No. 4 (July-August), 105-114.
Barry, B. (1989) The development of organization structure in the family firm, Family Business
Review, 2, No. 3, 293-315.
Beckhard, R. & Dyer, W.G., Jr. (1983b) Managing continuity in the family-owned business,
organizational Dynamics, 12, no. 1 (Summer), 5-12.
Beckhard, R. & Dyer, W.G., Jr. (1983a) Managing change in the family firm: Issues and
strategies, Sloan Management Review, 24, No. 3 (Spring), 59-65.
Berenbeim, R.E. (1990) How business families manage the transition from owner to professional
management, Family Business Review, 3, No. 1, 69-110.
Bertaux, D., & Bertaux-Wiame, I. (1988) Le partimoine et sa lignee: Transmissions et mobilite
sociale sur cinq generations, Recits de Vie, 4, 8-26.
Birley, S. (1986) Succession in the family firm, Journal of Small Business Management, 24, No.
3 (July), 360-43.
Blustein, P. (1994b) A maze of family connections complicates succession, Washington Post,
117 (September 11), p. H4.
Blustein, P. (1994a) Relative success story: Family driven Chinese firms may feel the limits of a
clannish model, Washington Post, 117 (September 11), p. H1.
Borgstrom, U. (1991) Tradition och modern teknik: nyckelbegrepp for Watostekgruppen,
Nordisk-Meleriinformation, 18, No. 1, 18-19.
Bradley, E.J. (1985) An analysis of the model Close Corporation Act and a proposed legislative
strategy, Journal of Corporation Law, 10, No. 4 (Summer), 817-847.
Brinton, M.C. (1992) One nation, many lives, Contemporary Socioloay, 21, No. 2 (March),
Carrera, L.J.C. & del Campo y Souza, D.M. (1984) A public stock offering in Mexico, Journal of
International Law and Politics, 16, No. 2, 305-351.
Chang, K.S. (1993) The peasant family in the transition from Maoist to Lewisian rural
industrialisation, Journal of Development Studies, 29, No. 2 (January), 220-244.
Chau, T.T. (1991) Approaches to succession in East Asian business organizations, Family
Business Review, IV, No. 2 (Sununer), 161-179.
Chinese investors face scrutiny as Indonesia vies in Asian economy (1994), The Christian Science
Monitor, 86, No. 92 (April 6), p. 13.
Church, G.J. (1994) Dress rehearsal or opening night? Time, 143 (May 16), pp. 68-70.
Churchill, N.C. & Hatten, K.J. (1987) Non-market-based transfers of wealth and power: A
research framework for family businesses, American Journal of Small Business, 12, No. 2 (Fall),
Cortes, F. & Benites, M. (1991) Crisis y comercio domiciliario en Mexico, Estudios
Sociologicos, 9, No. 25 (January-April), 165-187.
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Donckels, R. & Frohlich, E. (1991) Are family businesses really different? European
experiences from STRATOS, Family Business Review, IV, No. 2 (Summer), 149-160.
Dreux, D.R., IV. (1990) Financing family business: Alternatives to selling out or going public,
Family Business Review, 3, No. 3, 225-243.
Drucker, P.F. (1994) How to save the family business, Wall Street Journal (August 19), p. A10.
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Errington, A.J. (1993) Managing succession in the farm family business, Farm Management, 8,
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France: Adidas falls for Tapie's charm (1990), International Management (Europe Edition), 45
Francis, A. (1991) Families, firms, and finance capital: The development of United Kingdom
industrial firms with particular reference to their ownership and control, Family Business Review,4, No. 2, 231-261.
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Friedman, S.D. (1991) Sibling relationships and intergenerational succession in family firms,
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Fruin, W.M. (1980) The Family as a firm and the firm as a family in Japan: The case of
Kikkoman shoyo Co. Ltd., Journal of Family History, Winter, 432-449.
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GA: School of Business, Kennesaw College), pp. 146-152.
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As a field of study, family-owned business has lacked a coherent comprehensive framework. Currently the field is based largely on the succession literature, where the number of conceptual and empirical studies has doubled in the past five years. By using a conceptual and research-based typology for the field, the conceptual and empirical studies can be evaluated. Based upon the typology, potential studies and questions have been suggested for future research.
Ambrose, D.M. (1983) Transfer of the family-owned business, Journal of Small Business
Management, 21, No. 1 (January), 49-56.
Page 7 of 28
Arnault may be mulling Van Cleef and Arpels buy (1994), Women's Wear Daily (May 4), p. 13.
Barach, J.A., Gantisky, J., Carson, J.A., and Doochin, B.A. (1988) Entry of the next generation:
Strategic challenge for family business, Journal of Small Business Management, 26, No. 2 (April),
Barach, J.A. (1984) Is there a cure for the paralyzed family board? Sloan Management Review,
26, No. 1 (Fall), 3-12.
Barnes, L.B. & Hershon, S.A. (1985) Transferring power in the family business, Harvard
Business Review, 54, No. 4 (July-August), 105-114.
Barry, B. (1989) The development of organization structure in the family firm, Family Business
Review, 2, No. 3, 293-315.
Beckhard, R. & Dyer, W.G., Jr. (1983b) Managing continuity in the family-owned business,
organizational Dynamics, 12, no. 1 (Summer), 5-12.
Beckhard, R. & Dyer, W.G., Jr. (1983a) Managing change in the family firm: Issues and
strategies, Sloan Management Review, 24, No. 3 (Spring), 59-65.
Berenbeim, R.E. (1990) How business families manage the transition from owner to professional
management, Family Business Review, 3, No. 1, 69-110.
Bertaux, D., & Bertaux-Wiame, I. (1988) Le partimoine et sa lignee: Transmissions et mobilite
sociale sur cinq generations, Recits de Vie, 4, 8-26.
Birley, S. (1986) Succession in the family firm, Journal of Small Business Management, 24, No.
3 (July), 360-43.
Blustein, P. (1994b) A maze of family connections complicates succession, Washington Post,
117 (September 11), p. H4.
Blustein, P. (1994a) Relative success story: Family driven Chinese firms may feel the limits of a
clannish model, Washington Post, 117 (September 11), p. H1.
Borgstrom, U. (1991) Tradition och modern teknik: nyckelbegrepp for Watostekgruppen,
Nordisk-Meleriinformation, 18, No. 1, 18-19.
Bradley, E.J. (1985) An analysis of the model Close Corporation Act and a proposed legislative
strategy, Journal of Corporation Law, 10, No. 4 (Summer), 817-847.
Brinton, M.C. (1992) One nation, many lives, Contemporary Socioloay, 21, No. 2 (March),
Carrera, L.J.C. & del Campo y Souza, D.M. (1984) A public stock offering in Mexico, Journal of
International Law and Politics, 16, No. 2, 305-351.
Chang, K.S. (1993) The peasant family in the transition from Maoist to Lewisian rural
industrialisation, Journal of Development Studies, 29, No. 2 (January), 220-244.
Chau, T.T. (1991) Approaches to succession in East Asian business organizations, Family
Business Review, IV, No. 2 (Sununer), 161-179.
Chinese investors face scrutiny as Indonesia vies in Asian economy (1994), The Christian Science
Monitor, 86, No. 92 (April 6), p. 13.
Church, G.J. (1994) Dress rehearsal or opening night? Time, 143 (May 16), pp. 68-70.
Churchill, N.C. & Hatten, K.J. (1987) Non-market-based transfers of wealth and power: A
research framework for family businesses, American Journal of Small Business, 12, No. 2 (Fall),
Cortes, F. & Benites, M. (1991) Crisis y comercio domiciliario en Mexico, Estudios
Sociologicos, 9, No. 25 (January-April), 165-187.
Davis, S.M. (1968) Entrepreneurial succession, Administrative Science Quarterly, 13, No. 3
(December), 402-416.
Davis, P. & Stern, D. (1980) Adaptation, survival, and growth of the family business: An
integrated systems perspective, Human Relations, 34, No. 4, 207-22.
Davis, P. (1983) Realizing the potential of the family business, Organizational Dynamics, 12, No.
1 (Summer), 47-56.
Donckels, R. & Frohlich, E. (1991) Are family businesses really different? European
experiences from STRATOS, Family Business Review, IV, No. 2 (Summer), 149-160.
Dreux, D.R., IV. (1990) Financing family business: Alternatives to selling out or going public,
Family Business Review, 3, No. 3, 225-243.
Drucker, P.F. (1994) How to save the family business, Wall Street Journal (August 19), p. A10.
Engardio, P. & Finch, P. (1991), Kazuo Wadd's answered prayers, Business Week (August 26),
Errington, A.J. (1993) Managing succession in the farm family business, Farm Management, 8,
No. 8, 349-359.
France: Adidas falls for Tapie's charm (1990), International Management (Europe Edition), 45
Francis, A. (1991) Families, firms, and finance capital: The development of United Kingdom
industrial firms with particular reference to their ownership and control, Family Business Review,4, No. 2, 231-261.
Frankl, R. (1990) Teleministries as family business, Marriage and Family Review, 15, Nos. 3-4,
Friedman, S.D. (1991) Sibling relationships and intergenerational succession in family firms,
Family Business Review, 4, No. 1, 3-20.
Fruin, W.M. (1980) The Family as a firm and the firm as a family in Japan: The case of
Kikkoman shoyo Co. Ltd., Journal of Family History, Winter, 432-449.
Garfinkel, P. (1994) Honoring thy father, the boss, New York Times, 143 (June 13), pp. 17; 39.
Gasson, R., Crow, C., Errington, A.J., Hutson, J., Marsden, T., & Winter, D.M. (1988) The
farm as a family business, Journal of Agricultural Economics, 39, No. 1, 1-14.
Gasson, R. (1990) The hidden workforce, a survey of the spouse's contribution to the family
farm business (Ashford, Kent, UK: Department of Agricultural Economics, Wye College,
University of London), 38 pp.
Goffee, R. & Scase, R. (1985) Proprietorial control in family firms: Some functions of quasiorganic, managaement systems, Journal of Management Studies, 22, No. 1, 54-68.
Grossman's set to open in Mexico (1994), National Home Center News (May 23), p. 98.
Guerreiro, M.D.D. (1992) Trajectorias sociais e relacoes familiares: Empresarios de PME,
Sociologia: Problems e Praticas, 11 (March), 63-77.
Gus, I.I. (1988) Aspectos comportamentais da empresa familiar, PSICO, 15, No.
1, 7-17.
Handler, W.C. (1990) Succession in family firms: A mutual role adjustment between
entrepreneur and next-generation family members, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 15,
No. 1 (Fall), 37-51.
Handler, W.C. (1988) Conducting empirical research in family firms: Five methodological
messages, Proceedings 1988 Annual Meeting, International Council for Small Business (Marietta,
GA: School of Business, Kennesaw College), pp. 146-152.
Handler, W.C. & Dram, K.E. (1988) Succession in family firms: The problem of resistance,
Family Business Review, 1, No. 4, 361-381.
Hervieu, B. (1989) De la fin des paysans au renouveau des societes rurales francaises,
Recherches Sociologigues, 20, No. 3, 351-366.
Holland, P.G. & Boulton, W.R. (1984) Balancing the 'family' and the 'business' in family
business, Business Horizons, 27, No. 2 (March-April), 16-21.
Hollander, B.S. (1989) The loan officer's perspective on family firms, Family Business Review,
2, No. 2, 173-185.
Hollander, B.S. & Elman, N.S. (1988) Family-owned businesses: An 'emerging field' of inquiry,
Family Business Review, 1, No. 2, 145-164.
Hutson, J. (1987) Fathers and sons: Family farms, family businesses, and the farming industry,
Sociology, 21, No. 2 (May), 215-229.
Italy: the peasant loses his kingdom (1991), International Management (Europe Edition), 46
(September), 24-25.
Jeske, J.J. (1986), The Vazquez Rana empire, World Press Review, 33 (May), 59-60.
Jithoo, S. (1985b) Indian family businesses in Durban, South Africa, Journal of Comparative
Family Studies, 16, No. 3 (Autumn), 365-376.
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As a field of study, family-owned business has lacked a coherent comprehensive framework. Currently the field is based largely on the succession literature, where the number of conceptual and empirical studies has doubled in the past five years. By using a conceptual and research-based typology for the field, the conceptual and empirical studies can be evaluated. Based upon the typology, potential studies and questions have been suggested for future research.