Social Media, Tourism and Entrepreneurship

Social Media, Tourism and Entrepreneurship is my topic on 10th of September 2012 at 

Ph.D. Margit Niemelä

Tourism, Social Media and Entrepreneurship 3 ECTS
  • Special Questions for Tourism and Entrepreneurship
  • What Social Media Can Offer for Tourism and Entrepreneurship?
  • How to Create a Social Media Plan for  Tourism SME’s ?

The aim of the course is to promote students to understand basics of connection of entrepreneurship, tourism and social media. The student will learn how to create social media plan for a small to medium-sized enterprise (SME) tourism enterprise as a part of business plan, which they may use as a blueprint to start their own business or working for others.
The student's commitment  and active participation are important in the learning process for good learning results and understanding the subject as a whole.

Success Factors
This course is well-suited for students who:
  • Are entrepreneurial individuals and active to achieve their goals
  • Want to understand how to utilize social media as a marketing tool in  a small to medium-sized tourism enterprise (SME)
  • Are visionaries with a strong ability to generate new ideas and to find a better way of doing things.
  • Are proactive and "get the job done".
  • Want to prepare themselves for a better future.

Course materials
Holloway, C. 2009 or 2006. The Business of Tourism. Longman.  

Lecture material  will be given during the course.

Assessment criteria
Will be given at the beginning of the course.

Reading pages that support your learning process:

Jovo Ateljevic, (2009) "Tourism entrepreneurship and regional development: example from New Zealand", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Vol. 15 Iss: 3, pp.282 - 308.

Ashley, C., De Brine, P., Lher, A. & Wilde, H. (2007). The Role of the Tourism Sector in Explanding Economic Opportunity. The Fellows of Harvard College. (PDF)

Elita Bielza (2009). THE SOCIO – ECONOMIC IMPACT OF TOURISM AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN VIGAN CITY. E-International Scientific Research Journal
ISSN: 2094-1749, 1(1), 25-33. (PDF) 

*) Braun, Patrice (2005). Creating value to tourism products through tourism networks and clusters: Uncovering destination value chains. Global Tourism Growth: A Challenge for SMEs (Korea Conference). (PDF) (useful)

*) Chong, S. (2010). How to promote tourism through social media. (useful)

Dahles, H.;Bras, K. (1999). Tourism and small entrepreneurs. Development, national policy, and entrepreneurial culture: Indonesian cases. 1999, 165. ISBN 1-882345-27-4.

Christine Lee (2006). Medical tourism, an innovative opportunity for entrepreneurs. E-International Scientific Research Journal. (PDF).

Mike Peters, Joerg Frehse & Dimitrios Buhalis (2009).   The importance of lifestyle entrepreneurship: A conceptual study of the tourism industry.  PASOS. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural. ISSN 1695-7121, Vol. 7 Nº2 págs. 393-405. 2009. (PDF).

*) Social Media for tourism (PDF) (useful)

*) Tourism SMEs and the Web. A research project  commissioned by the Irish Tourist Industry Confederation.  (PDF) (useful)

*) How to write the Social Media Plan?

1. Paint The Picture of The Big Opportunity of Social Media
2. Define Social Media
3. List Tangible Business Goals
4. Plan A Timeline Of Steps
5. Set Realistic Expectations
6. Ask for Resources
7. Recommend Who Does Social Media For Your Company
8. Finish with an Urgent Call to Action
(Source: How to write your social media plan in 8 steps)

*) Learning Dairy (A very good guidance by !)

Links for social media  and tourism

Baer, J. (2009). 7 ways to use socail media to build stunning business and  personal brands (SS) 

*) Basic Social Media Practices for travel and tourism Industry  (useful)

*) Beberwyck, A. Research offers ten  reasons social campaigns Fail (useful)

Building your Business

*) Dutta, S. (2009). What's your personal social media strategy? Harvard Business School. (PDF) (interesting)

*) Grandfield, M. (2011). Social media marketing for tourism industry.(SS/useful)

Green tourism of Finland (Social MediaChannel)

Hvass, K. A. & Muhar, A. M. (2012). The takeoff social media in tourism. doi: 10.1177/1356766711435978 Journal of Vacation Marketing vol. 18 no. 2 93-103. (abstract)
Laughlin, R. (2011). 5 essential social media accounts for tourism marketing

Lips, K. (2008). Social Media and Tourism 2.0 (SS)

*) Milano, R., Rodolto, B. & Piattelli, R. (2011). The effects of online media on tourism websites. (PDF). (useful)

Social Media Marketing in the year 2011 ()

Social Media Travel Marketing:

How the Social Media Industry is Changing tourism marketing

Social Media and Reputation Management in Canada's Tourism Strategy

Social Media in the Tourism Industry (Socialmedialogue)

Social Media Success for Tourism Ireland

Social Media and Small Business Marketing (on this blog 8/2012)

Social Media as a tourism destination marketing tool: its use by national tourism organizations

Social Media for Tourism (PDF)

Social Media & Tourism: Playing the right cards

Social media and the tourism industry statistics (blog)

Social Media and Tourism (SlideShare)

Social Media for Tourism (PDF) 

Tara Turkington: Storytelling, social networking, destination marketing: selling tourism online

The Future of Social Media for Hotel Marketing Travel and Tourism

The Impact of Social Media on Tourism Marketing

Tourism Australia turns marketing focus to social media

Tourism Industry Blog

Trends in Social Tourism Marketing

Using Social Media In Destination Marketing

Even more readings and interesting links

Tommasi, M., 50 Definitions of social media

5 Social media marketing case studies  

Irena Ateljevic & Stephen Doorne (2000). Staying Within the Fence: Lifestyle Entrepreneurship in Tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 8(5), 378-392.

Michael Hitchcock (2010). Ethnicity and Tourism Entrepreneurship in Java and Bali. Current Issues in Tourism. Vol. 3, Iss. 3, 2010.  

Nancy Gard McGehee, Seungwoo Lee, Teresa L. O'Bannon & Richard R. Perdue (2010).
Tourism-related Social Capital and Its Relationship with Other Forms of Capital: An Exploratory Study Journal of Travel Research, 1(49), 486-500.

G. McGehee & Kyungmi, K. (2004). Motivation for Agri-Tourism Entrepreneurship Nancy. Journal of Travel Research ,  43(2),  161-170.    
Schmallegger, D. & Carson, D. (2008). Blogs in tourism: Changing approaches to information exchange. doi: 10.1177/1356766707087519 Journal of Vacation Marketing vol. 14 no. 2 99-11. (abstract)
Brian J. Shaw & Gareth Shaw (1999).  Sun, Sand and Sales': Enclave Tourism and Local Entrepreneurship in Indonesia. Current Issues in Tourism, 2(1), 68-81.

Thevenot, Guillaume (2007). Blogging as a Social Media. Tourism and Hospitality Research, vol. 7 no. 3-4 287-289. 

Roslyn Russel & Bill Faulkner (2004). Entrepreneurship, Chaos and the Tourism Area Lifecycle. Annals of Tourism Research,  31(3), 556–579., How to Cite or Link Using DOI.

Shaw, G.; Williams, A. M. (2004). From lifestyle consumption to lifestyle production: changing patterns of tourism entrepreneurship. Editor Thomas, R. (2004). Small firms in tourism: international perspectives  pp. 99-113. Advances in Tourism Research. ISBN 0-08-044132-7.


Links for Research 

 Annals of Tourism Research

E-International Scientific Research Journal 

Current Issues in Tourism 

International Journal of Tourism Research 

Social Media and Tourism Marketing

Tourism and Hospitality Research. (Sage)


Links for blogs

Robin Bramman

Dimitrios, B. Dimitrios Journeys the blog of strategic tourism & technology management
