Bronfenbrennerin ekologinen teoria

Urie Bronfenbrenner ja Bronfenbrennerin (1979) ekologinen teoriaVäitöstutkimuksessani työni teoreettisena kivijalkana oli kehityspsykologinen Bronfenbrennerin (1979) ekologinen teoria. Yhdistin siihen perheyrittäjyystutkimuksessa paljon käytetyn ns. perheyrittäjyyden kolmen ympyrän mallin (Tagiuri & Davis 1992, 1996) sekä Schwarzin (1992) arvoulottuvuusmallin. Urie Bronfenbrenner kehitti ekologisen teoriansa kehityspsykologisessa kontekstissa. Bronfenbrenner eli pitkän elämän. Hän kuoli 88-vuotiaana vuonna 2005. (Ks. Cornell University)

Cornellin Yliopistossa (Human Ecology Center) on
The Cornell University Family Business Research Institute--
Bronfenbrenner Life Course Center,
jossa perheyrittäjyyteen liittyvää tutkimusta tehdään perustuen mm. ekologisen teorian ajatuksiin. (Ks. myös ChornicleOnline, Daily News from Cornel University) ks. mm. seuraavat:

Tauer. L. W.
Using Life Insurance to Fund a Business Buy-Sell ArrangementThe Task Force of the
International Family Business Program Association
William Bellet, Barbara Dunn, Ramona K. Z. Heck,
Peter Parady, John Powell, and Nancy Bowman Upton.
The Family Firm as a Foundation of Our Free Society:
Strengths and Opportunities

by Edwin S. Cox
Phillips Graduate Institute

Management Succession Issues in Family Business
by Bernard L. Erven, Professor and Extension Specialist
Department of Agricultural Economics, Ohio State University

Social Capital and Entrepreneurship: Bridging the Family & Community
by Gary P. Green
Department of Rural Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

A Life Course Approach to the Entrepreneurial Family
by Phyllis Moen
Cornell University

Family Resource Management & Family Business:
Coming Together in Theory and Research

by Mary Winter, Earl W. Morris
Iowa State University/University of Minnesota

A System model of human behavior

Bronfenbrennerin teorian perusidea lyhyesti
Montanan 4H - sivuilla on esitetty Bronfenbrennerin viisi väittämää/oletusta.
Systeemit (ks. myös tämä)

Blackwell: ecological theory

Ceci, S. J.
Class 9: Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory (Have read Article & Epilogue)

Developmental psychology

Ecology and Conservation

Ecological Models of Social Organization
A Baha'i Perspective,
by Arthur Lyon Dahl

Ecological Theory of Language Aquisition

Grand Theories of Psychology

 Iso-Kuusela, M. (2008).  Vanhempien ja päiväkodin ammattilaisten välinen yhteistyö. Yhteen hiileen puhaltamista vai kaunis ajatus? Pro gradu. Varhaiskasvatus. Jyväskylän yliopisto.(PDF)
Parent Teacher Education Connection

Perspectives in Ecological Theory, Jonathan Roughgarden, Robert M. May + Simon A. Levin (editors)

Perspectives in Ecological Theory and Integrated Pest Management

The ecology of the family

The family from a child development perspective (Tästä linkistä löytyy mm. An integrative research model for studying family systems in context (source: Schneewind 1989) ja Fig. 4.7 Antecedents and consequences of the family's social network ( source: Schneewind 1989))

The SocioEcological Model

Towards an Ecological Theory of Sustainable Knowledge Networks by Jeff Conklin, Clarence Ellis, Lynn Offermann, Steve Poltrock, Albert Selvin, and Jonathan Grudin

University of Minnesota

Ekologisesta päättelystä ja ekologisten korrelaatioiden ongelmasta:

King, Gary; Rosen, Ori, and Tanner, Martin A. (2004) Ecological Inference. New Methodological Strategies. Series: Analytical Methods for Social Research. Cmbridge University Press, Cambridge.
Langbein, Laura Irwin and Lichtman, Allan J. (1983) Ecological inference. SAGE Publications, Beverly Hills CA.
Tanner, Martin A. (1996) Tools for statistical inference: methods for the exploration of posterior distributions and likelihood functions. 3.ed. Reprinted. Springer, New York NY.

Advanced Ecological Theory

Edited by Jacqueline McGlade, NERC
Blackwell Publishing 1999 Paperback 368pp, Illus ISBN 0865427348
Advanced Ecological Theory Advanced Ecological Theory is intended for both postgraduate students and professional researchers in ecology. It provides an overview of current advances in the field as well as closely related areas in evolution, ecological economics, and natural-resource management, familiarizing the reader with the mathematical, computational and statistical approaches used in these different areas. The book has an exciting set of diverse contributions written by leading authorities.
  • Individual-based models in Ecology: J M McGlade
  • Stochastic effects in population models: E Renshaw
  • Spatial models of interacting populations: M Keeling
  • Correlation equations and pair approximations for spatial ecologies: D A Rand
  • Theoretical aspects of community assembly: R Law
  • The dynamics of the flows of matter and energy: S L Pimm
  • Population and evolutionary dynamics of consumer-resource systems: W M Getz
  • Understanding the ecological and evolutionary reasons for life history variation: mammals as a case study: P H Harvey and A Purvis
  • Species diversity: M L Rosenweig
  • Ecological economics: E J Milner-Gulland
  • Ecosystem analysis and the governance of natural resources: J M McGlade

Edit: 21.4.2012
