Kuvat Margit Mannila
”Tosiasiassa vain koeaika näyttää, sopiiko henkilö tehtävään vai ei.” (Puustinen 2010).
Management Aptitude Evaluation (MAE) eli suomeksi sanottuna soveltuvuustestit ovat tulleet, mitä ilmeisemmin, lähtemättömäksi osaksi työelämää.
Soveltuvuustesteihin liittyviä periaatteita ovat mm:
- Testeillä saatavan tiedon on oltava työsuhteen kannalta tarpeellista
- Testien on selvitettävä työn hoidon kannalta olennaisia asioita
- Hakijalla on oikeus saada palautetta arvioinnistaan
Henkilöarviointeja säätelee laki työntekijän yksityisyyden suojasta
- väärinkäytöksistä voi valittaa työsuojeluviranomaisille ja Psykologiliittoon
- Liitolla lista sertifioiduista alan toimijoista sekä Hyvän henkilöarvioinnin käsikirja
Lähde: Suomen Psykologiliitto
Ekonomi-lehdessä Virve Järvinen kirjoittaa soveltuvuustesteistä mm. näin: " Arviointi on vapaaehtoinen. Huterasta ja epäasianmukaisesta arvioinnista
kannattaa kieltäytyä. Sellainen se on, jos siitä selviää tunnissa ja
ilman haastattelua, eikä testin tekijä osaa kysyttäessä perustella
testivalintojaan. Testattavan kannattaa myös pitää kiinni oikeudesta
käyttää äidinkieltään. Muuten kieltäytymistä kannattaa harkita huolella."
Kuvan lähde tästä linkistä. (15.1.2018).
The most commonly used aptitude tests are: Verbal Reasoning and Ability - this test assesses your level of grammar and spelling capability, as well as your ability to understand analogies and follow detailed written instructions.
Numerical Reasoning and Ability - looks at how good your basic mathematical skills are including number sequences. It also gauges your reasoning skills of more complex numerical questions and how well you interpret quantitative information.
Abstract Reasoning Tests - assess your ability to identify the logic of a pattern to determine the next in the sequence or the missing item. These tests determine your logical thinking skills.
Spatial Ability Tests - are designed to evaluate your ability to manipulate two-dimensional shapes. They also assess your capacity to visualize two-dimensional pictures as three-dimensional objects. (Free Online Library for Managers 15.1.2018.)
Management Aptitude Evaluation (MAE)
The online MAE is a general indicator of the individual’s ability to lead and manage others. The individual indicators help candidates identify proficiencies in problem solving, decision-making, interpersonal skills, critical thinking and learning.
Content Components | Assessments |
Achievement Drive | Measures the degree to which the individual is likely to be competitive and driven to be the best. This characteristic is important for positions where the attainment of established goals and benchmarks are important. It is also important for positions where there may be competition within departments or between coworkers and where the individual is expected to grow and advance to higher levels within the organization. |
Assertiveness | Measures the degree to which the individual is likely to assert themselves, speak their mind and enjoy taking control or the lead in group situations. This characteristic is important for positions where a strong personality is beneficial. |
Leadership | Measures the degree to which the individual has the necessary interest, ability and disposition necessary to perform in a leadership capacity. Leadership is important for positions that require the management of others and/or the coordination of the work of others to accomplish the organization's goals. Supervisors, managers and team or group leaders need leadership characteristics to be successful. |
Self Confidence | Measures the degree to which the individual is likely to be self-assured, independent and is confident in their decisions and actions. |
Stress Management | Measures the degree to which the individual is likely to demonstrate patience and stress tolerance during challenging work-related situations. This characteristic is appropriate for positions requiring interactions with customers, multitasking and jobs in fast paced organizations. |
Supervision | Measures the degree to which the individual has the ability and disposition to motivate others, relate well to employees, create a sense of unity among staff, and maintain high levels of employee satisfaction. Supervision skills are important for positions that require overseeing and managing others. |
An average overall score of 60% is required to pass the MAE. Scores of less than 60% in individual areas are acceptable, however, this should be seen a professional development opportunity to help strengthen that area. (Source Management Aptitude Evaluation (MAE) 15.1.2018.)
Läheet ja lukemisto
Chartered managers Canada. Management Aptitude Evaluation (MAE). (15.1.2018).
Harjoitustestejä. (15.1.2018).
Järvinen, V. Valmistaudu soveltuvuustestiin. Ekonommi. https://www.ekonomilehti.fi/valmistaudu-soveltuvuustestiin/. (15.1.2018).
Mannila, Margit. (2017). Ensitreffit alttarilla ja henkilöstöarviointi. Tädin eläintarhassa. (15.1.2018).
Puustinen, J. (2010). Mitä testit kertovat työnhakijasta? TIVI. (15.1.2018).
Testilautakunta. Oheistukset. Psykologiliitto. (15.1.2018).
Verkkovalmennus.com. Soveltuvuustestiin valmentautuminen. (15.1.2018).