Source (5.4.2017).
"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future."
- John F. Kennedy
What Entrepreneursip Really Is?
Becoming an entrepreneur is said to be an excellent idea.
Some ideas about entreneurial attitude and entrepreneurship.
What it takes to be an Entrepreneur?
How to get started?, is a question that makes us a little worried about the topic. There is so called The bird in hand principle, that support us just think what do we already have. What are your own bird in hand sub-branches?
The ABCs of Business
Ideas and Opportunies
Source of the picture here
Look at also this link.
Planning your Business Venture
Business Plan
Six Thinking Hats (10.12.2015)
What you are going to sell?
Who are your customers? (To Whom you are going to sell?)
There is a law that has a constant and dramatic effect in our life, and that law is the law of change.
- John Kehoe
- John Kehoe
Kim & Mauborgne, 2005. Blue Ocean Strategy. Boston. Harvard Business School Publishing. Blue Ocean Strategy (full book as PDF). (9.12.2015)
Mannila, Margit. (2013). Becoming an entrepreneur is an excellent idea. (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2013). Blue and read ocean strategy. (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2010). A Brief History of Entrepreneurship-Yrittäjyyden lyhyt historia.(9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2012). Business model Generation liiketoimintamallin kuvaamistyökalu. (25.1.2016).
Margit, Mannila. (2012). Business plan Product and services. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (201). Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneur. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit (2012). Career planning. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2013). Challenges for a young entrepreneur. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2009). Critical issues in family business. (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2009). Dark side of entrepreneursihp. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2009). Dark side of leaders, entrepreneurs and quality.... (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2013). Edward de Bono Six Thinking Hats - Kuusi ajatteluhattua. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2013). Entrepreneurship Education. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2009). Entrepreneur Education, Part I. (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2009). Entrepreneur Education, Part II. (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit (2012). Entrepreneurial Potential. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2013). Entrepreneurs are risktakers-Ovatko yrittäjät riskinottajia? (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2009). Family business-Business family. (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2010). Franchise. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2012). A History of Entrepreneurship. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit.(2013). I don't have enough money.-Never give up! (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2013). I'm human, I'm afaird of failing. (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit (2014). Kenelle myyn? (14.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2015). Lean and Lean Startup. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2013). Blue and read ocean strategy. (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2010). A Brief History of Entrepreneurship-Yrittäjyyden lyhyt historia.(9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2012). Business model Generation liiketoimintamallin kuvaamistyökalu. (25.1.2016).
Margit, Mannila. (2012). Business plan Product and services. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (201). Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneur. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit (2012). Career planning. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2013). Challenges for a young entrepreneur. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2009). Critical issues in family business. (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2009). Dark side of entrepreneursihp. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2009). Dark side of leaders, entrepreneurs and quality.... (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2013). Edward de Bono Six Thinking Hats - Kuusi ajatteluhattua. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2013). Entrepreneurship Education. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2009). Entrepreneur Education, Part I. (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2009). Entrepreneur Education, Part II. (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit (2012). Entrepreneurial Potential. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2013). Entrepreneurs are risktakers-Ovatko yrittäjät riskinottajia? (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2009). Family business-Business family. (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2010). Franchise. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2012). A History of Entrepreneurship. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit.(2013). I don't have enough money.-Never give up! (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2013). I'm human, I'm afaird of failing. (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit (2014). Kenelle myyn? (14.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2015). Lean and Lean Startup. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2007). Naisyrittäjyys Female Entrepreneurship. (9.12.2015.)
Mannila, Margit. (2015). Ole yrittäjä. (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2016). Preceiving and managing business risks. (25.1.2016).
Mannila, Margit. (2015). Riskienhallinta. (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2016). Risk Management Plan. (27.1.2016).
Mannila, Margit. (2012). Social Entrepreneurship. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2014). The Bird in Hand Principle- Start with what you have (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2010). The Entrepreneurship Test and Success Stories of Entrepreneurs. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2009). There are probably as many ways to making success as there are human beings (14.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2010). Typologies of Entreprenurs Typologoiota yrittäjyydestä ja yrittäjistä. (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2013). Vision pyramids. (14.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2012). Young entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial success stories. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2010). Yrittäjyys. Entrepreneurship. (9.12.2015).
Peeyoosh, Kumar. (2014). Entrepreneurs Roadmap. (10.12.2015).
Price, Robert, W. (2015). What is the entrepreneurial Life Cycle? (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2016). Preceiving and managing business risks. (25.1.2016).
Mannila, Margit. (2015). Riskienhallinta. (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2016). Risk Management Plan. (27.1.2016).
Mannila, Margit. (2012). Social Entrepreneurship. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2014). The Bird in Hand Principle- Start with what you have (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2010). The Entrepreneurship Test and Success Stories of Entrepreneurs. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2009). There are probably as many ways to making success as there are human beings (14.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2010). Typologies of Entreprenurs Typologoiota yrittäjyydestä ja yrittäjistä. (9.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2013). Vision pyramids. (14.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2012). Young entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial success stories. (10.12.2015).
Mannila, Margit. (2010). Yrittäjyys. Entrepreneurship. (9.12.2015).
Peeyoosh, Kumar. (2014). Entrepreneurs Roadmap. (10.12.2015).
Price, Robert, W. (2015). What is the entrepreneurial Life Cycle? (10.12.2015).
Read, S., Sarasvathy, S., Dew, N., Wiltbank, R. & Ohlsson A-V. (2011). Effectual Entrepreneurship. Routledge. London.
Ries, Eric (2011) The Lean Startup – How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use
Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Succesful Businesses?. PDF. (Full book). (9.12.2015).
Roadmap to Entrepreneurial Success. Global Entrepreneurship Institute. (10.12.2015).
Roadmap to Entrepreneurial Success. Global Entrepreneurship Institute. (10.12.2015).
Further readings e.g.:
Franchising as Entrepreneurship 1-16.
Chrisman, J.J., Chua, J., & Steier, P. (2003). An introduction to theories of family business. Journal of Business Venturing, 18, 441-448.
Henderson, R. & & Robertson, M. (2000). Who wants to be an entrepreneur? Young adult attitudes to entrepreneurship as a career. Career Development International 5/6, 279-287.
Ko, S. & Butler, J.E. (2007). Creativity: A key link to entrepreneurial behavior. Business Horizon 50, 365-372.
Reynolds, P.D. (1996). New and Small Firms in Expanding Markets. Small Business and Economics, 9, 79-84
Sega, G., Borgia, D. & Schoenfeld, J. (2005). The motivation to become an entrepreneur. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 11(1), 42-57.
Franchising as Entrepreneurship 1-16.
Chrisman, J.J., Chua, J., & Steier, P. (2003). An introduction to theories of family business. Journal of Business Venturing, 18, 441-448.
Henderson, R. & & Robertson, M. (2000). Who wants to be an entrepreneur? Young adult attitudes to entrepreneurship as a career. Career Development International 5/6, 279-287.
Ko, S. & Butler, J.E. (2007). Creativity: A key link to entrepreneurial behavior. Business Horizon 50, 365-372.
Reynolds, P.D. (1996). New and Small Firms in Expanding Markets. Small Business and Economics, 9, 79-84
Sega, G., Borgia, D. & Schoenfeld, J. (2005). The motivation to become an entrepreneur. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 11(1), 42-57.
And other material that are divided
during the course.
(Edit 5.4.2017)